Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Marching bandquet this Tuesday Jan 6th @ 6pm

Good evening all!
Everyone has been relaxing and spending time with family...how awesome is that?

It's time for the boosters to get our head in the game...time to get things moving forward again.  We have a family gathering of our own this Tuesday with our MARCHING BAND FAMILY!!! 

Band banquet day is this Tuesday January 6th at 6pm in the PHN Cafe.

You won't want to miss it.  Time for good food, good people and talented kids to celebrate a great marching season!
...MSBOA Festival
...Battle of the "Fans"
...most importantly great friendships built along the way.

Tickets for the meal were sold at the Christmas concert, but since the lobby was so jam-packed it was difficult for everyone to access the table, so on to plan B.

Charms is the "ticket" in this matter.  I have set up the RSVP option for everyone to reserve tickets online. Here is the link: https://www.charmsoffice.com/charms/parents.asp

  • Go to the calendar, date of Jan 6th
  • select the black RSVP button
  • Enter family last name & # of people attending, including your students
You may volunteer to help also at this link: https://www.charmsoffice.com/charms/volunteerR.asp?s=prthurnb&v=2253845

Please read below for details:

To obtain tickets online you may RSVP via Charms. Please indicate Family last name and how many attending. Once you RSVP you are committing to the cost as follows. $6.00 per person or $20 for immediate family. Cost can be paid at the door by RSVP reservation only. If you RSVP but choose to not attend you will still be responsible for the tickets/cost as we will order food based on reservations. Sorry but we cannot not offer sales at the door.

Join in the celebration of a wonderful season & See you Soon!

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Concert Help Needed!!

Tis the season...to hear beautiful music!
In preparation for our Christmas concert Tuesday, we need some help with set-up and tear-down.

Please go to the link to lend a hand.

In particular we need 4 parents to set up the jazz stage.  Preferably 2 people that have done the setup previously and 2 parents that have not done it, so they can learn how do it for the future concerts.  I'm thinking a someone with freshman and or sophomore students would be ideal.

We also need some commitment in advance for tear down. I would like to ask for helpers that do not have a poinsettia order.  This way the two "happenings" can be done independent of one another.  I'm sure with a group of our size it's possible t rally some new helpers for this effort!!  If you have not helped before it's really quite easy and a great way to meet some friendly people!!!

If you did a GWYL "Give where you live" level donation that earned reserved concert please contact me so I can meet with you before the concert to reserve your seats.  You may text me at 810-841-0328.

That should do it for now, but don't assume I'm done, you know how I like to keep everyone informed

Thanks for taking the time to volunteer for PHN Bands.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Parade pickup instructions

Here we go....the last parade of 2014!!

If you are picking up your student up following the parade, you will want to know this information:

The parade disbands on Wellington & Crawford streets and then marchers go to SKIT’s High school to have hot chocolate.  To keep our lists accurate parents are to accompany their student to checkout with Mr. Senkmajer face to face so he knows when and who is leaving.

I added a link below to help you find the end point of the parade.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Uniform collection on Saturday

Students not traveling in April to Washington DC are asked
to turn in their marching uniformfollowing the Sarnia Parade.

Upon return to PHN please go to the band room and check-in the following items:

  • marching uniform
  • hats
  • hatbox
  • hanger
Plan ahead and bring your hard plastic hanger to the school and leave in your cubby or instrument case before you board school buses, so that you can hang up the uniform when we return to PHN.

Missing hangers will be charged $5.00 to your student account.  The hanger not only properly holds your uniform but also identifies your uniform so you get proper credit for its safe return.

**Be sure you take your Birth Certificate out if the inner pocket before turning in your uniform.

Those going to DC are to keep their uniforms and watch your email for further instructions about cleaning and uniform care/travel guidelines for DC.

I bet you've been wondering?
When we are all getting together to celebrate an amazing MARCHING season.
Well wait no longer....drum roll please
Marching band banquet will be held on
Date: Tuesday January 6th, 2015
Time: 6pm
Location: PHN Cafe

Rather than trying to compete with all of the wonderful holiday concerts and
celebrations, we decided to save this one to Ring in the New Year!"
Mark your calendar for January 6th!!

Monday, December 1, 2014

TWFP 12-1-14


Broadcast this morning at 6:55 am, we Officially won the WDIV Battle of the Bands (Fans) !!   Sunday morning we all woke to the realization that were trailing Warren Mott Mauraders 10’s of thousands.  But our Bandos came through and voted like crazy. All morning as I voted the score was jumping by the hundreds every few minutes.  I heard one person was averaging 14 votes a minute!  That's how we did it people, you are amazing!!

Now on to everyday business, it time to turn in your Sarnia travel permits, I am submitting the travel list on Wednesday evening.  Canada and US border services require that we provide the list of students and their contact information, etc.

Sarnia Kinsmen Christmas Parade Of Lights

Annual parade of lights, marching bands, clowns & Santa! Over 60 floats, 8 marching bands with 100-150 marching members. Minimum of 500 lights. Route: Corner Christina & Exmouth St., south on Christina to Wellington Streets. The Sarnia Christina School’s Students will again be accepting canned goods and cash donations during the parade for The Inn of the Good Shepherd. ****SARNIA’S NIGHT TIME PARADE!****

We are working to find a date for the Marching banquet, watch your email and the booster site for more details.

If you are traveling to DC with the band watch your mailbox (snail mail) for information and please return your rooming card right away via mail.  Also please go to charms and login to your student account & chaperone accounts and update all your information.
  • Use student ID# for your password. 
  • For chaperones use:
    •  4 letters of your first and last name i.e.; smitjane, for Jane Smith. 
  • You may change your password to something else after your first login.
Thanks again to everyone that voted this weekend!!

It's official...WE DID IT! Battle of Bands title is ours for a year!

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Battle of the Bands

You can still VOTE through Noon Sunday
Select the link below to VOTE for PHN!!!

as of 12:26 am on 11-30-14

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Food update 11-25-14

OK so I'm not in a panic anymore, food started rolling in right after Sectionals.  You band people are amazing!  Have I ever told your how awesome your are??  Not only are your kids exceptional but it's clear how they got that way.

Regarding food...We are in good shape and don't need any more Bisquick, Syrup, Sausage, Butter or eggs.  So Juniors it's up to you at this point to bring in the drinks Thursday morning, please come a bit early if possible!!

If you have milk please let me know. I have (1) gallon and only need 3 more for the pancake recipe.  Any other milk we get will be for drinking.  I will need milk early, like 4:15am.  So if you can swing it, to bring the milk early or the night before to my house, please email me to confirm.

It was fun to talk with parents today at practice and see their excitement about riding the FAN BUS. How fortunate we are to have this opportunity.  If your are not able to make the trip to Detroit keep an eye or two on the Booster site.  I plan to post some photos as we go thru the process from breakfast to Step off.  We are not allowed to use any technology during the parade so I'm counting on Amy Bryce, our official photographer to catch the moments during the parade.

If you have any questions, send them ASAP, because tomorrow evening we all need to get to bed early...it will be a quick night having to get up so early Thursday morning.

Fun, fun, fun with PHN Marching band!

Monday, November 24, 2014

Classroom handout for Parade

“Final” information for Thanksgiving Day Parade 
Download the flyer at this link

Once again, in order to march, students need to have had an *excellent* record of attendance at the 6 parade rehearsals

Final Parade Rehearsal, Tuesday, November 25; 2:45 - 4:30 PM; Marching Krafft and Fairway drive with a police escort for safety.

Please bring in the following to help take care of the group on Thursday: 
Seniors: Box of Granola Bars Thursday morning or Tues
Juniors: Gallon of Milk or Orange Juice Thursday Morning or Tues
Sophomore Boys: Box of Bisquick Tuesday after rehearsal
Sophomore Girls: Bottle of syrup or “tubbed” margarine Tuesday
Freshman Boys: Dozen Eggs Tuesday end rehearsal
Freshman Girls: Pkg. “Link” sausage Tuesday at end of rehearsal

Uniform policies for Thursday (slightly different for Friday):
All normal uniform expectations are in effect including:
• Hair must be secured up and into hat so that the hat can be put on and removed as
• Makeup must be subtle/“invisible”; Earrings must be subtle stud-style and invisible at
10 feet
• Socks must be black and run up to mid-calf; Shoes must be clean
• Any-underlayers must be invisible and NAVY blue or black in color
Additional uniform considerations:
• Navy blue or black hats and head bands are allowed under the uniform hat, but cannot interfere with the ability to wear the hat
normally; Sweatshirt layers must not have hoods
• Students may use hand and foot warmers, but please be careful about having them in direct contact with bare skin
• Students may wear additional layers of black gloves; layers must not interfere with the normal operation of the instruments
• Students should wear multiple thin layers (navy blue or black); Leggings, secondary pants-layers must be tucked into socks

Itinerary for Thursday, November 27: 
4:00 AM Building opens
4:15 AM Breakfast volunteers start setting up, cooking
4:55 AM Sit down for hot breakfast at PHN Cafeteria; Students arrive in full uniform, carrying hats
Need breakfast food donations, see above Please contact boosters at phnbb.com
Looking for breakfast cleanup crew (*could* be fan bus people!)
5:35 AM Band buses depart
6:00 AM Fan Bus departs
6:45 AM Required arrival, per Parade Company

  • Line up, check in, walk from buses to staging area to parade “head”
  • If you bring blankets, we have arranged for them to be donated to a homeless shelter. We have no mechanism to transport/store/return them

9:00 AM Stepoff


  • Don’t forget to have all of your friends and neighbors vote for us on “Click on Detroit” Link will be available on www.phnbands.org from November 26 - 30! 

10:45 AM Approximate PHN Bands parade finish
11:00 AM Bands load equipment, get drink, snack

  • Parents/Students riding home with parents *must* check out with Mr. Senkmajer before the buses depart

11:30 AM Student buses will depart from Larned between Woodward and Randolph

  • Students that have not been picked up by 11:30 will be transported back to Port Huron.We will not leave students in Detroit; we can’t hold everyone else up from their families 
Fans will need to verify bus departure time and location with the Preferred Charter driver

Port Huron Santa Parade Nov. 28 and Sarnia Parade of Lights Dec. 6
(Sarnia parade is watched by tens of thousands and they *love* our band!)
Uniform adjustments for Friday, November 28, Saturday, December 6

  • Students are encouraged to wear a plain red-and-white santa hat (unless an entire section does otherwise)
  • Students are encouraged to wear a scarf of ANY color!
  • Students are encouraged to decorate themselves and their instruments with tinsel, electric lights, ribbons!
Itinerary for Friday, November 28 
Eat Dinner before you arrive
4:30 PM Band Room opens
4:45 PM Band Room Closes
5:15 PM Meet down behind SEMCO
6:45 PM Pickup at McMorran North Lot
7:15 PM Possibly a pep band that night?
Information to follow!
3:00 PM If anybody would like to help
decorate, the band trailer, come
and help!

Itinerary for Saturday, December 6 
Eat Dinner before you arrive
4:30 PM Arrive at PHN Band Room
4:45 PM Board buses
5:15 PM Cross into Canada
6:00 PM Parade begins
7:15 PM Parade finishes, get snack
7:30 PM Depart Sarnia
8:30 PM Anticipated return

According to Customs agents on both sides of the border, students are *required to carry* any one of the following: a birth certificate, a Nexus card, Enhanced ID or Passport

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Email 11-23-14

Well it's that time again...TWFP

I'll bet you can't wait for the fantastic week ahead!!!

Monday - Butter Braids arrive, pick-up starting at 2:30pm in the PHN Cafe.
Tuesday - Parade practice on Fairway, students need to dress in layers to stay warm.
Wednesday - No school !!!
Thursday - BIG Parade just 4 days away, starting off with a home cooked breakfast by your very own booster parents.
Friday - Port Huron parade  - students will receive more details this week in class.

  • Thanksgiving Parade information is getting more detailed.  Please go to this link to read more...
  • Fan Bus,
  • Watch for a TWIB this week as well as a Parade flyer with answers to all your questions about Thursday.

DC Last call, I will be posting the final list of those registered for the DC trip.  Payment 2 of $125.00 is due by December 1st.

Next week: Sarnia Parade, see Travel permit link and please note that due to crossing into Canada there are special requirements that need to be addressed on the travel form. **Please make sure it is completed and turned into the band box ASAP.

  • Poinsettias: If you forgot to turn in your order, please email me with your order info and have students turn in forms in the band box tomorrow.  Link
  • Fruit: We are still waiting for a final delivery date on the fruit order, anticipating delivery the week of Dec 8th.

Remember your can always find this information on the booster site at www.phnbb.com. There is an archive listed by date or you can search key words for information.

The holidays are upon us...How wonderful!

Parade Information

Watch for us!

We anticipate being in the TV zone
by approximately 10:15 am.

Those picking up students following the parade:
Student buses will depart from Larned between Woodward and Randolph.  Students that have not been picked up by 11:30 will be transported back to Port Huron by school bus. We will not leave students in Detroit; we can’t hold everyone else up from their families.

Our band is featured at this link

After the parade watch for voting at

Fan Bus Information

Fan Buses News!!!

Departure is at approx 6am from PHN

You can bring:
  • Lawn chair
  • cooler
  • and the parking location is close enough that you will be able to use the bus “facilities”.
  • Please check in at the school to obtain your bus ticket and go to this link to verify that you are listed as a rider.
Mark is hoping to park in the vicinity of Wooward & I75

It appears that we are pretty close to the beginning of the parade lineup at they estimate us to be in the TV zone around 10:15 am.

We had such a good response to the fan bus that we have had to turn away a few riders and we don’t want anyone to be surprised on Thanksgiving morning because they don’t have a ride to the city.  So please verify you are on the list. https://www.charmsoffice.com/charms/volunteerR.asp?v=2007082

If you are having trouble with the fan bus link you will have to enter the school code:  phnband, then go to the calendar event, next select the yellow (volunteer) hand.

Fan Bus tickets will be distributed on Thursday morning at school.  It's just our way to do an actually check in process.

Our band will be in the TV ZONE at approx 10:15am.

Feel free to share this information.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

How do you prepare for a BIG Time Parade?

March in 30 degree temperatures, on a beautiful snowy day.

Ask the traffic to wait just a few minutes while we pass

toss in some wind and slush covered roads for experience

 and don't forget to some add flashing light too please!!

Thank you to the officers and
parents that kept us safely guarded the entire way!

Emails 11-20-14

If any kids AND/OR adults would like to go on
Saturday to CMU, we still have some seats left!

Just confirm through band boosters!
Bring money in and put in drop box.
Itinerary is on front of PHNBands.org

Travel permit:


Have you been thinking about Christmas gifts?

It's time to get your christmas order ready.

If you are planning to order band apparel in time for Christmas,
this is the last order for 2014.

Make sure your orders are in the band box by
Tuesday, November 25?

Order forms can be found on the Charms site at this link

If you have any questions you can contact Karen Ahearn at
Apparel Coordinator - Karen Ahearn

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Email 11-19-14

Good Evening!

Please remind students to layer tomorrow for practice.  They will be outside marching.

We could still use a few more hands with blocking the roadway on Fairway Dr. during the marching time 3-4:30.  If you are available to assist please go to the charms link.  You might have to enter the school code phnband.


Big benefit for those helping...great music that will get you in the Christmas spirit!

Have a great Thursday band peeps!

Monday, November 17, 2014

Email #3 11-16-14

     The list is long but you
wont't be able to say you aren't informed!!   

Fan Buses are full!!!
Departure is at approx 6am from PHN
You can bring:
  • Lawn chair
  • cooler
  • and the parking location is close enough that you will be able to use the bus “facilities”.
  • Please check in at the school to obtain your bus ticket and go to this link to verify that you are listed as a rider.
We have such a good response we have had to turn away a few riders and we don’t want anyone to be surprised on Thanksgiving morning because they don’t have a ride to the city.  So please verify you are on the list. https://www.charmsoffice.com/charms/volunteerR.asp?v=2007082

If you are having trouble with the fan bus link you will have to enter the school code:  phnband, then go to the calendar event, next select the yellow (volunteer) hand.


All students must ride the school buses to the Parade.  The Parade company sends the school buses an entirely different direction for parking from the spectators. 
  • Students are allowed to ride home with family in their personal vehicle.  They will need to sign out with the bus chaperone.  Someone asked if their student could ride the fan bus home and that answer is no, we cannot guarantee that the bus will be near the parade end point
  • If you are having trouble with the fan bus link you will have to enter the school code:  phnband, then go to the calendar event, next select the yellow (volunteer) hand.

Keeping warm while they wait?
Students that want to keep warm while waiting for step off can bring with them for DONATION (to a Detroit charity)
  • a blanket
  • hat 
  • gloves/mittens
  • Please understand that any items they are using/wearing to keep warm will be given to the charity and cannot be returned to the bus.  "If it comes off the bus it gets donated".  They can leave their own items on the bus for the return trip but those items must stay on the bus.  Parents will not be available to hold items for the students.
Poinsettia orders are due this week, forms available at this link:

Parade practice this Thursday  & Next Tuesday the  25th
https://www.charmsoffice.com/charms/volunteerR.asp?s=prthurnb&v=2013873.  We are in need of approx. 6 parents to assist with the practice as the band is marching from the school to Fairway drive and back.  We do have Sheriff escort but still need a few more cars to block traffic at the side streets the band passes by.  Time is 2:45-4:30pm
Go to charms to sign-up
**Anyone making payments via PayPal (Booster site) or Credit card (In person).  The band is charged a convenience fee.  Since we are a non-profit organization we cannot afford to absorb the cost of this charge.  Please be aware that the 5% fee will be added to your student account.  For example a payment of $50 will have a charge of $2.50.  The only time the fee will not be charged is if your are making a donation.

Email 11-16-14 #1 & #2

This is the last "all charms" email for the DC trip.  I have included all present and past email addresses to make sure that no one misses this information.

I'm trying to get things organized in charms, including DC trip forms checked in, fan bus, etc...Need your help parents!

I'm desperate to get everyone using charms regularly.  Please let me know if you are confused by the "charms thing"  I would be happy to meet with you or if there is a need do a charms training session for a group, I'd be pleased to arrange one.  The only thing we are not up and running with in Charms is the finances.  If you have any questions about your student balance, Christine Carwyn has it all in hand, feel free to contact her at: phnbandtreasurer@gmail.com

DC Travelers
Please read this entire email
  1. Go to this link to confirm that your reservation is correct or make changes, https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1h1lCLmVBX-VU5aYIIwZwsyn8bobs0Avwxdsrx1bOIjo/edit?usp=sharing
  2. Go to Charms, login to your student account and make sure student information is correct including:
  • email
  • mailing address
  • Date of birth
  • Complete all phone #’s
It is crucial that these steps are followed or we cannot move forward with the trip reservations.

There are two places to get trip information:

fyi...Charms Login steps:
  • www.charmsoffice.com
  • School code is phnband
  • Student login password is the PHASD student #
  • Chaperones login password is 4 letter of last and first name…BingRond
  • After you sign in you can change your password to make the account secure

Email 11-114

Please go to the link below to verify that students, travelers, Adults, chaperones are listed correctly for the trip.  If there are any corrections please list them in the appropriate column or if the information is correct note with your initials in the column.

If you have any questions about the trip feel free to contact Becky Kohanov at beckybuckeye@hotmail.com or call her at 982-3046.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Poinsettia orders due this Friday Nov 21st

Poinsettia orders are due this week!

They make beautiful gifts for the holiday
and students split is 60/40.

You can download a order form at link below: 

Orders are due this Friday November 21st
Delivery following the Christmas concert on December 16th

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Email 11-9-14

Hello Band Peeps!
Please remind students to dress properly for practice. It is very important that they are prepared for our recent cold weather, layering is best.  They should be wearing hats, jackets and shoes appropriate for marching.
Watch for due dates
We have many fundraiser in the works for November: 
Butter Braids - Due 11/10/14
Fruit - Due 11-14-14
Carson's Community Days -11/14 & 11/15
Poinsettias - Due 11/21/14
Ongoing fundraiser is our Scrip program:
Susan Repp will be making a scrip (gift card) order on Monday, November 17th and orders will be delivered before Black Friday.   There are currently many special offers during this time of the year. You can review them on ShopWithScrip.com.   Meijer is offering 4% rebate until November 28th.  Stock up for the holidays!  Remember, 60% of all rebates go to your student's account.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email or call Susan Repp, dwrscr@aol.com or 385-5898.

Try out the Charms Chat, ask questions & find answers!  Login with your students password/student ID and go to the chat "bubble"
Have a great week band peeps!

Poinsettia Fundraiser order due 11-21-14

Port Huron Northern Band Annual Poinsettia Sale 2014

It’s that time of the year, the holidays are upon us and
what better way to dress up your home or business than with
beautiful Poinsettias and at the same time help
PH Northern bands earn money for music,
instruments, uniforms, etc.

Orders are due no later than:
Friday, Nov 21st
Please may checks payable to:
PHN Bands

Tuesday, December 16



Pink (color not exactly depicted)




 $12 for 6.5’ pot (1 plant)

$20 for 8.5” pot (3 plants)

Following the Christmas concert you can
take your plants home!!

Remember your family, friends, business associates
with a poinsettia for the holidays