Football Games Volunteers

    How does Volunteering work at the football games???    

Each Football game we need about 6-12 people in addition to the Booster Officers, to assist in several aspects of the Marching & Performance in the stands. The Charms Calendar will offer spots for sign-up each game.
See links below for each game:
We ask Volunteers to arrive no later than 4:30 pm.  Please enter at the side gate to get your volunteer ID/lanyard.

Fruit & Water commitments from Families - Ideally we would like different families to sign-up to bring fruit so the expense is spread over a majority of people.  We received a large donation of water from Cargill for the year.

For Senior night we add Cider and Donuts to the food list for the enjoyment of the Senior students and their families to celebrate their last Football game with PHN Marching Band.  Flowers are also given to each "Mom" by their student, this is supplied by the Band Boosters.
  • Bananas -Approximately 70
  • Apples - Approximately 180
Football game organizer
Send reminder to Families donating with drop-off location.
Meet them at drop-off and transport items to stands.  Locate items at bottom left corner of band seating area.
When band heads out for half-time performance have a few people help your distribute the nutrition throughout the band seating area, cut open cases, open bags of apples.
After they nosh on the good eats walk thru with trash bags to collect refuse. Dump garbage bags downstairs in trashcans. left over fruit should be donated to food kitchen unless band is doing something the next day and water should be stored back in the trailer for use at the next event.

Clean up after game: Bleachers
  • Clear band area of Stands of Water bottles & fruit possibly left behind
Clean up after game: Equipment assistance
  • Assist with carrying of any extras items such as signs that reserve seating for band
Sales of band promotional items:
  •  (table will be located near concessions)
Distribution and collection of:
  • Drumline baret to students
  • Plumes - Careful handling is required as the plumes are costly, we need to improve on where they would best be collected so students don't get hung up in the ramp to the bleachers.  

First Aid:
  • collect first aid kit from trailer and place in stands, be available as needed.
Pit crew:
  • Help set up the field before the performance and break it down after
Rope off benches before game:
  • Collect roping form trailer and set-up for band, also hang band Flag on back wall of stand
Water Jugs (3) and cups:
  • Set-up for students Prior to game for consumption following Pre-Game performance so we can save water bottles for after half-time show.  Early season games tend to be warmer and the kids get warm right away due to their heavy uniforms.