Thursday, November 21, 2019

You asked for Butter Braids for Christmas, so here they are!

Orders are due 12/6 in the drop box by 2:30. I am sorry but there will be NO late orders accepted. The order must be placed on Monday 12/9. Delivery will be 12/16.

Order forms are in the band room.

The order form says “Return Order Date 11/22” this is actually the start date, Sorry for the confusion.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Skyward Note

So grateful and blessed:
Thank you to the dozens of parents that so selflessly volunteer their time and efforts
helping on games nights, fitting uniforms, riding buses, running/assisting with fundraisers…
We absolutely cannot do all of this without you!

A BIG “thank-you” to the Band Booster Officers who unselfishly volunteer dozens and dozens of hours serving *all* of our kids. 
Thank you to our instructors: Matt Nabozny, Jennifer Milett, Jasmine Bryce, Camiel King
Thank you to Ronda Bingham for her AWESOME work adapting color guard uniforms and making the Magic Show “pop”
Thank you, Brian Ruthenberg for building the magic boxes for the show
Successful Festival / Competition Season for Marching Band
FIRST DIVISION RATINGS at Festival on October 15 in Marine City
High Score for the day at Alma Competition including highest scores for:
Music Performance, Music Effect, Visual Effect, and Percussion and an “Award of Excellence” in Music
Football Playoffs (+)
If the team has a home game, so do we.
This schedule rolls out a little at a time.
When I know, you’ll know.
For now, plan on having home games November 1, 8
If we lose, playoffs are done, if we win, we will not know for certain
each week if we have a home game until the Sunday night prior
Spartan Spectacular
If you registered for the trip, please pay for it ASAP!
Travel Permit, Payment slip ->
I have a couple extra tickets…
Movie Night 
Friday, October 18; 7 PM ~ 11 PM
Register to attend here ->
$5 - Movies are “Nightmare before Christmas” and “A Quiet Place”
Held in the band room.  Students may bring lawn chairs, papasans, etc.
If students bring additional drinks, they must be in factory-sealed containers
We will feed students in-between movies
Fall concert
Fall concert for everybody is November 7 in the Gym
MB members will wear MB uniform
Non-MB members will wear concert-blacks
More info to follow
When in concert blacks, all young men need to own a tuxedo shirt and bow tie
Senior Band Night / Band Night
October 25, 2019
Senior Parents meet at SW Gate at 6:25 PM
Alphabetical order by last name
Parents will be escorted out by their senior at about 6:35
Senior registration form
Upcoming MB Schedule
October 19 - Nothing
October 22 - Rehearsal 6 - 7:30 PM
October 24 - Rehearsal 2:45 - 4:45 PM
October 25 - Home Game - Senior Band Night
October 27 - Drum lIne / Front ensemble @ MSU Day of Percussion ($10)
November 1 - Nearly 100% a home playoff game  (+)
November 5 - Rehearsal 6 - 7:30 PM
November 7 - Fall Concert
November 8 - Likely a home playoff game if we win Nov. 1 (+)
November 12 - Rehearsal 6 - 7:30 PM (TBA)
November 14 - Rehearsal 2:45 - 4:15 PM
November 15 - Possible Playoff Game if we win November 8 (+)
November 16 - Band-o-grams 11AM - 6 PM
November 19 - Rehearsal 6 - 7:30 PM  (TBA)
November 21 - Rehearsal 2:45 - 4:15 PM (Parade)
November 26 - Rehearsal 2:45 - 4:15 PM (Parade)
November 29 - PH Santa Parade (evening)
December 7 - Sarnia Santa Parade (evening)
December 12 - MB Banquet!
ALL Band students
October 20 - Spartan Spectacular (NRQ) I have a couple extra tickets
November 7 - Fall Concert
November 12 - Band Booster Meeting
December 16 - Holiday Concert
Fund Raisers
Most fund-raisers benefit both the student’s individual travel account as well as the Booster General funds that helps support the purchase of music, equipment, and uniforms
* Chubby-Chico Deadline October 17
* Citrus Sale Deadline November 4 - Packets in room
* Please consider SCRIP - Once set-up, easy to use
      Here is a link to instructions ->
      Or you can contact Jennifer Senkmajer at for guidance
      (Using SCRIP, we paid next to nothing for band camp for two kids, and paid for most of the Washington DC trip for 2 kids)
Planning ahead
Band Camp 2020 July 26-31
Spring 2021 Is our every-four-year trip to Disney
Honors Bands currently “In play”
* All-state Auditions October 27 (needed to have already registered)
* CMU Honors Band; October 25 Audition Deadline (Nov. 9/10 commitment)
Olivet College Honors Band; October 30 Registration Deadline (November 8 Commitment)
Solo and Ensemble Deadline Approaching (Nov 22)
Here is a link to the informational packet handed out in class

We are looking for student volunteers to perform Band-o-Grams all over town on November 16
Held every year on the day of the UofM/MSU game, each performance lasts about 10 minutes
and is often a surprise for many of the audience members
We are also looking for drivers that can transport 4 or more students from venue to venue
This is a full-uniform performance
We are finishing up thanking our uniforms donors this year, but may have a few extra slots ($75)
Consider this
Looking for additional challenges for you and/or your student?
Looking for something you can *do* with your student musician?
Consider SC4 Band on Wednesday nights!
$50 for the academic year, 6:30 PM on Wednesday nights.  We resume October 23.
Need an instrument?  Let us know
We have a Facebook Home ->
Next performance Friday, December 13

Want to see (and maybe purchase) some great Fall MB pictures?
David Dell –>
Here are many of the handouts made available in class since the start of school
TWiB - Sept 3

Friday, October 4, 2019

Skyward Email

The below text was sent to ALL Skyward Associated emails and like all Skyward emails, I included this text in the Google Calendar.

The College Entrance Examination Board found that students involved in public school music programs scored 107 points higher on the SAT's than students with no participation.

- Profiles of SAT and Achievement Test Takers, The College Board,

compiled by the Music Educators National Conference (2002)


This is all Marching Band Related

1) If you did not order Marching Band "Magic" Shirts, we have another open order running until Wednesday, October 9 at Noon.

Please pay by Wednesday, October 16.

2) First Order of "Magic" Shirts are in.  If you have not paid, please pay by Wednesday, October 9 at 2:30, otherwise they may be used to fill the second order.

3) Alma Invitational COMPETITION ("WOOOOO!")

Travel Permit

Please consider coming to watch the band.  Competition start at 1:00 PM,+Fort+Gratiot+Township,+MI+48059,+USA/614+W+Superior+St,+Alma,+MI+48801/@43.0982919,-84.1160487,9z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m14!4m13!1m5!1m1!1s0x88259bbd1acff513:0x456d85b7aeffc881!2m2!1d-82.4446392!2d43.0241778!1m5!1m1!1s0x882214bfe1d0a461:0x4d8e6130fb9dfaa5!2m2!1d-84.6698629!2d43.3789707!3e0

A COMPETITION is not a "festival."  Bands are scored, ranked and scores are public. 
A "Good" score this time of year is in the upper 80s to low-90s, depending on the judges
We will get a "carved-out" score in each of the following categories
 *  Music Performance
 *  Music Effect
 *  Marching Performance
 *  Visual Effect
 *  Percussion
 *  Color Guard

Please read *all* of this:

I did not build in a lot of extra time, so please hold tight to this schedule
 - Eat breakfast before you arrive, bring money for concessions
 - Arrive at school wearing uniform pants, navy or black upper
 - For comfort, uniform Jacket is on a HANGAR
 - It will be cool.  Wear a layer or two underneath
 - Gauntlets, gloves, hat in cardboard hat box. 
 - Bring $$ for concessions

9:45 AM    School Opens
10:00 AM    Loading large equipment begins behind school
10:20 AM    Loading large equipment ends behind school
10:20 AM    Loading smaller equipment in cases and hat boxes onto truck in front of school
        MEMORIZE YOUR HAT BOX NUMBER (Take a picture)
        Do not write on box.  Consider putting name on a card in box
        Wear layers: Again NAVY OR BLACK ONLY ON TOP
        You may wear a jacket or sweatshirt while en route

10:30 AM    Go to the bathroom, students board buses
10:45 AM    Buses depart
1:00 PM    Buses arrive in Alma
        Quick snack and drink
        Quick bathroom break
        Put on jacket, gauntlets, hat
        Go over and unpack instruments
        If you are buying concessions after performance, bring $$ with you
        No access to buses until we depart

1:45 PM    Begin Performance "cycle"
        Physical and musical warm-up

2:50 PM    PERFORM

3:05 PM    Off field, hurry to concessions

If you are taking your student home, please check out with me.  I will have a lists.
Students may not ride home with other families without written permission from their parents

3:30 PM    Awards
4:00 PM    Load
~4:30 PM    Depart
~7:00 PM    Return to PHN

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Lots of information below!

Paper copies of all forms are always handed to students first.
If your student doesn’t bring them home, you can get them off of the corresponding event on Google Calendar (found at as well as on links

Chubby Chicos Fundraiser – 
Charms, Bracelets, Candles, Soaps, Bath Bombs
As with most fundraisers, a portion of proceeds goes to your travel account,
a portion to the Band Program
Packets available in the band room

Alma Competition October 5 Travel Permit  – (Marching Band Only)
Alma Itinerary on Permit and on Google Calendar

Interested in going to Spartan Spectactacular?
Sunday October 20, $35
Itinerary on the Travel Permit/Payment voucher as well as Google Calendar
We have to purchase tickets soon, so if you are interested, let me know at the following link right away
Keewahdin Band-o-gram October 4 – (Marching Band, grade 10-12 only)
Travel Permit
Here is a link to the class handout for Tuesday, “Son of TWiB II”

Here is a link to the last large calendar handout from Monday, “TWiB”; 5th calendar this year
Here is a link to the Halloween Movie night for students evening of October 18, $5

Little Caesar Pizza kits pick up will be Tuesday October 8 between 4:00 - 5:30. Please make arrangements to pick up your orders between this time, we do not have any place to store these because they need to be kept frozen.

I am also looking for at least three more people to arrive at the school around 2:00 and help sort. If you are available please let me know. I would appreciate all the help I can get. We have about 360 items to sort!

Chubby Chico Charms catalogs are in the band room. The orders and money are due by 2:30 Friday October 11. Please make sure that your name is on the order form, and put the order form and money in an envelope and place them in the drop box located on the back of Mr Senkmajer's door. We can not take orders after 2:30 on Friday. Delivery should be by October 30th, but I do not have an exact date yet.

Thank you for all your support!

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Its that time of year again!! Little Caesars Pizza fundraiser starts today. Orders are due September 20 delivery is October 8. Please make checks out to PHNBANDS Order forms are in the band room.

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Band Camp Registeration

Please if you have not turned in your band camp registration please drop it in the band dropbox located on the back of Mr Senkmajer's door, no later than noon on Tuesday, July 9. We must give the camp a final number this week.

thank you

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Spring Banquet May 28

Next Tuesday May 28 is our Spring Banquet at 6:00 pm in the cafeteria. Tickets are $6 each or $30 for family, please include your band student when paying for tickets.
We are still in need of several volunteers for this event:
Servers (5)
Set Up (5)
Ticket Sales (2)
Help Grill (1)
And lots of Student helpers
Please log into Charms to sign up or get in touch with a Booster.
Girls please bring a dessert to share and Boys please bring in two 2 liters of pop.
We will be selling tickets for the BAND CAMP RAFFLE during the event and drawing the ticket at the end of the awards ceremony. Tickets are $5.00 each and the winner will receive band camp paid for in full. ðŸ˜€
A google doc will be coming out soon. Please fill it out so we know how many people we will be feeding (again please don't forget your student)

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Exciting News

Good Morning.

I have very exciting news to share. We had a VERY generous donor, donate a trip to BAND CAMP! That's right one FREE TRIP TO BAND CAMP!! We will be having a raffle to see who gets this free trip. The Boosters will be selling tickets at both concerts Sunday and Monday night and the Spring Banquet on May 28. Tickets will be $5.00 a piece and we will hold the drawing at the Spring Banquet. We will also have two Port Huron Music Store gift cards that we will be raffling off at the banquet.

Monday night after the concert we will be holding our After Glow for the Seniors. We are looking for delicious desserts and punch to be donated at this event. EVERYONE IS INVITED. Please drop off your donations in the cafeteria before the concert.

We are still in need of help for the concerts this week. The following positions are still open:

Sunday Night
 3 Ushers 
2 people to hand out T-shirts before the concert

Monday Night
 1 Greeter 
2 Ticket Sales
 3 Ushers
 2 Help set up After Glow
 4 Help Clean up After Glow

Please log into Charms or let a booster know if you can help.

Thank you for all your support and we will see you this weekend!

Kristine Stalker
Band Booster VP

Tuesday, March 19, 2019


Dear Travelers,
            I’m sure everyone is excited and making last minute preparations.  Here are a few things to keep in mind as you pack up this week.
·         Check the weather for packing purposes
·        We will be able to do a quick change after breakfast and before we go to the White House Saturday morning.  You will not be able to access your luggage that is under the bus, so pack anything you want in your carry-on. 
·         Plan carefully for Saturday.   It will be a long day.  You will not be able to bring purses or backpacks into the White House or Capitol Building.  You can carry a wallet or a “clutch.”  A couple of thoughts:  You could get a clutch that turns into a small purse when you add a strap and you could keep the strap in your pocket until after the tours.  You could get a thin bag that folds up small enough to go in your pocket, I have some that are reusable bags I use for groceries.  Keep it in your pocket until after our tours, and then use it as a purse, odd as it will be.
·         Take some time to look up the Smithsonian this week so you can decide which museums you might want to visit.  I have made our 3 ½ days open for you as I do not know what your group would be most interested in seeing and I think if you were going to go to the zoo you’d want it to be a nice day.  You could also go to the National Archives or a tour of the Supreme Court with a docent.
·         After the meeting Thursday, be sure to register with the trip Remind, download the Smithsonian app, and practice using the Metro web site.  See you Thursday.  J

·         Arrive Northern 7:30
·         Depart Northern 9:00

·         6:00 Breakfast at Hotel. 
·         7:30 Leave for White House
·         8:30 Tour White House
·         11:00 Tour Capitol Building
·         12:30 Free Time; Lunch & Smithsonian
·         4:15 – 6:15  Dinner at Carmines 
·         7:30  Capitol Steps show
·         9:30  Busses pick us up, check in at hotel


·         5:00 leave for Busch Garden’s
·         8:00  Return for home from Busch Garden’s

·         7:30 – 8:30  Breakfast at Hotel
·         Morning on own at Arlington, National  Zoo, or Smithsonian
·         1:45  arrive Lincoln Memorial
·         3:00  Lincoln Memorial performance
·         5:00  Dinner at Pizzeria Uno
·         7:00  Meet at Lincoln Memorial for Walking Tour
·         9:00  Busses pick up and return home

·         7:30 – 8:30  Breakfast at Hotel
·         Load Busses before leaving for the morning
·         Go to Smithsonian, Arlington, or Zoo
·         2:00  Meet at the Smithsonian Natural History Museum 
·         11:30  Arrive PHN

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Booster Meeting 2/12 Canceled

Due to poor road conditions, the Booster meeting scheduled for tonight will be rescheduled for next Tuesday February 19. We hope to still be in the media center, if the location does change I will email you and let you know.

Try to stay warm and be safe

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Washington DC Payments

The final payment for Washington DC is due. If you are unsure of the amount you owe please contact a Booster. We can either walk you through CHARMS or send you a statement of your payments.

It is very important that payments are posted this week. We owe our final payment to the travel agent next week.

Please notice that there is a tentative agenda on the back of the TWIB.

Thank you and we are looking forward to a wonderful trip.