Monday, December 10, 2018

Washington DC trip

A little over 3 months before we head off on our DC trip! Registrations are no longer being accepted. Everyone should have turned in a registration form and $100 deposit in October. I am aware that 2 different payment schedules were posted. To clarify, here is what we need. (Of course extra payments or payments in full are always fine. This is just a minimum.) 

December 5th $225
February 5th balance due!

If you did not see the schedule, that's ok. Just send it in ASAP. All payments should be made out to PHB Bands. Please make sure to put them in an envelope with your student's name, date, and marked as DC trip payment. The envelopes can be placed in the blue locked box in Mr. Senkmajer's room.  

If there is a financial difficulty or delay in payment, please contact our treasurer, Cindy Isaac or me as soon as possible.

Thank you for your cooperation! We are excited to travel with your student!