Monday, December 10, 2018

Washington DC trip

A little over 3 months before we head off on our DC trip! Registrations are no longer being accepted. Everyone should have turned in a registration form and $100 deposit in October. I am aware that 2 different payment schedules were posted. To clarify, here is what we need. (Of course extra payments or payments in full are always fine. This is just a minimum.) 

December 5th $225
February 5th balance due!

If you did not see the schedule, that's ok. Just send it in ASAP. All payments should be made out to PHB Bands. Please make sure to put them in an envelope with your student's name, date, and marked as DC trip payment. The envelopes can be placed in the blue locked box in Mr. Senkmajer's room.  

If there is a financial difficulty or delay in payment, please contact our treasurer, Cindy Isaac or me as soon as possible.

Thank you for your cooperation! We are excited to travel with your student!

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Fall Banquet

Our Fall Banquet will be Tuesday December 4 at 6:00pm. We will be serving fried chicken, pasta salad, toss salad, coleslaw, baked beans and rolls.

We are asking 9th, 10th  and 11th grade girls to bring dessert and 9th, 10th and 11th grade boys to bring 2, 2lt pop.

Cost is $6.00 a person or $30.00 a family.

Please follow the link below and fill out the google doc so we can plan accordingly.

We are also looking for volunteers to help set-up, check in, serve and clean up please go to Charms to sign up to volunteer.

See you all on December 4!

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Thanksgiving parade

Because of changes in the company’s routines since we last marched and because we are one of the FIRST BANDS in the parade (WOO!), it has required some real work to try to adjust the itinerary to meet the needs of as many people as possible. Thank you for your patience.
As with previous years, if you would like to bring a blanket to keep warm at the front of the parade route, you may. The blankets you bring will be donated to a veteran’s service shelter at the north end of the parade route. You don’t have to bring one, but if you do, there is no way to get it home.
3:30 AM Pancake Cookers are on site, spatulas at the ready
4:15 AM ish All other food arrives
4:45 AM Breakfast begins ($3)
5:30 AM We *Must* depart to make our 6:45 AM call
6:15 AM Charter Fan Bus Leaves (if you could help with cleanup, that would be awesome!
6:45 AM Detroit Parade company asks us to be at front end
Cass Ave and W. Ferry Ave, Detroit
(School Buses move to Shelby Street and West Congress street)
7:15 AM Fan Bus arrives NE of “Blue Zone” Grandstands
Close to Brush street and East Montcalm
Get instructions for pickup location from bus company
8:45 AM Band moves into starting position
NW of Woodward and East Kirby Street
9:00 AM Parade Officially Begins
9:45 AM ish Band will pass Blue Zone grandstands
10:15 AM ish Band goes through TV zone
10:45 AM ish Band finishes parade, packs up, meets buses
Shelby Street and West Congress street
Parent pickup is HERE: Shelby Street and West Congress street
Parents taking students home from Detroit
must SIGN OUT their students off of the buses! Sheets will be there
11:15 AM ish Band Buses will start heading north
11:45 AM Charter fan bus riders ON the bus
Because the grandstands are about 1 mile north of the end of
the parade, the parade will “end” for that grandstand at
close to 11:30. We need riders to get back to the Charter buses
by 11:45. Because you can go faster, you will not be far behind us.
12:45 AM ish Approximate return to PHN -
` ETA updates will be posted in
Facebook - PHN Marching Band - text @phn-mb to 81010
Charter Fan Buses will be a bit behind the Band students
Students will have access to building to stay war while they wait.
Google map: (USE ALL CAPS)
Students should:
Make sure your uniform and shoes are CLEAN
Dress in several light, long-sleeved layers
Make sure underlayers are navy or blac
Wear a black / navy headband, thin hat or earmuffs under MB Hat
Only wear things that allow for normal operation/look of uniform and instrument
Consider a thin pair of black gloves under MB gloves
Bring $3 and eat a hot breakfast with us
Wear Navy/black leggings/long johns/sweats under pants
Tuck any underlayers into socks Consider purchasing hand warmers
On Thursday, Students should:
NOT Wear hoodies or scarves but consider a low turtleneck
NOT Decorate instruments for Thursday (but yes for Friday)
NOT Wear blue jeans under their MB pants but any other light-weight pant..
NOT Decorate face
NOT Wear jewelry
For Port Huron Parade Friday, November 23
4:00 PM Band Room Open
4:45 PM Band Room Closes
5:00 PM Meet behind SEMCO down by YMCA (Parking structure)
6:00 PM Parade
7:00 PM Pickup at McMorran North Lot

Meet in parking garage. Allow cars to pass, please
Full uniform.
You may wear a red and white Santa hat or Northern Band logo hat
You may wear black hat, headband or earmuffs under MB hat
You may wear colorful scarf
Dress in layers (yes, it might rain)
Tuck any under-layers into your socks
Get hand-warmers. You may not wear gloves that interfere with playing
You may decorate your instruments and yourselves with lights and garland

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Thanksgiving Breakfast and Parade News!

Note from Mr. Senkmajer: 
I finally got our final information from the Parade Company at 7 p.m. this past Tuesday night when I attended this required orientation meeting in Detroit. It has taken a couple of days to sort through the information.

This will be my 6th time participating as a band director, seventh time overall. The parade has undergone significant changes since I first participated as a high-school student in the fall of 1984.

This is our earliest call time in all of the years I have done the parade. On the one hand, it means we will be back with our families sooner than previous years, but it also complicates some of the transportation issues. 

Please read the note from Mrs. Mehnert very carefully. She and many other band parents have worked so hard all season to help make this all happen. This parade is no exception.

This is going to be a wonderful, once-in-a-lifetime experience for your kids. Thank you, in advance, for your help in making this a great day for them.

E. Senkmajer
We have purchased the Grandstand seating tickets for the parade.  Originally we were in the $45 area.  We found out that these were at parade step-off and not the best for viewing the parade.  There were also not enough seats for the size of our group. We have upgraded the tickets to the $50 blue zone section that is located at Woodward and Montaclm.  We are now all together as a group and also in an area to catch all of the parade at its finest. The band is willing to incorporate this cost, however if you would like to assist in covering the extra expense, it would be appreciated.  Please just put $5 per ticket in an envelope marked upgrade. Thank you!

All bus and grandstand tickets will be picked up at a check in table near the cafeteria on Thursday before we leave.  Bus riders and students are welcome to join us for a breakfast at 4:45am that morning. 

It will be an early morning and we want your student to have a full stomach and ready to march.  We are providing a hot breakfast of pancakes, scrambled eggs, sausage links, yogurt cups, juice and coffee.  We are asking that each student send in $3 to help cover the cost.  As mentioned before, fan bus riders are also welcome to eat with us. The $3 covers student and parent(s) that are riding the fan bus. Please note that breakfast will begin at 4:45am and we will be departing at 5:30am so don't be late!

We are still in need of some parent volunteers to help cook pancakes and help with set up.  A few parents NOT traveling to the parade are also needed to help with the clean up after we load the buses and depart.  If you are able to help out please speak to a band booster or sign up in Charms.  Thank you!

Something new for us this year- we are at the front of the parade!  We will need to leave Northern at 5:30am. All student and fan buses will leave together.  Our call time is 6:45am with parade step off at 8:45am.  It is predicted that we will hit grandstand and TV zone close to 10:15am and finish the parade at 10:45am.

We are aware the parents with grandstand tickets will want to view the parade in its entirety.  To make sure that students do not get back to school too long before their parental rides, we will be having student and fan buses leaving Detroit at two different times.  

The logistics involved with moving this size group can be daunting, but every effort is being made to move efficiently and with as much communication as possible.  Updates will be made on the web page and on  Remind 101.   

Thank you,

Friday, October 26, 2018

November Events

Please check the following dates on the Google Calendar for upcoming events:

November 2 Possible Playoff Game.

November 4 Fall Concert

November 13 Booster Meeting

November 22 Thanksgiving Parade

November 23 PH Santa Parade

Watch for the deadlines for Washington DC it's coming soon!!

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

This week in Band

Trip to DC:
If you were unable to make our DC trip meeting a couple of weeks ago and your student did not bring home the trip packets handed out in class, here is the packet:

Here are the last three calendars handed out in class:
Monday 10/15:
Friday 10/12:
Monday 10/08:
Google Calendar:
Links to these documents can also be found on the PHN Bands Google Calendar
Go to  and scroll down to the calendar section.  I put the calendar handouts (as well as emails home) in the calendar.
The collection of TWiBs can usually also be found at a link on the front page of
If you would like to subscribe to our > Official< calendar, download and open your official Google Calendar app on your device.  This is the link to our calendar:
Our calendar is named : Official
Thank you for a very nice performing season.  The football team is in the playoffs and we are *pretty* sure they will have a home game on October 26.  Please plan “as if”
Band Apparel:
We have some field show T-shirts still available in limited sizes, $10 and $15
We are working on putting in an order for embroidered headbands and warm hats
Thanksgiving Day:
If you are interested in riding a motor coach down to the T-Day parade or in ordering grandstand seats, please let us know by November 1.  The registration links and information (as we get it) is available in the Google Calendar. (also here

Marching Band:
We will have practices on October 23 (6 – 8 PM) and October 25 (2:45 – 4:15 PM).  We will need to keep practicing for the show to stay fresh and also begin our T-Day parade practices.  Please remind your kids to dress warmly.

Practices beginning October 30 will shift to 2:45 – 4:15 on Tuesday AND Thursday

Winter Drum Line and Winter Guard
Both of these units are starting their help sessions next week.  All students in all sections are welcome give these units a try.
These are both competive units on a competitive circuit that require a commitment of time and effort.  In addition, there is a participation fee that covers instruction and event registration.  We will ask for some assistance with a couple of additional small fund raisers.  Students are welcome to participate in the fund raisers or have families make a small contribution to defray the cost of the 
Elementary Band-o-grams Friday
We are taking a group of students to Keewahdin and Edison Elementaries on Friday between 1:00 and 3:30 PM.  If any parents are able to assist in transporting students, please be at PHN by 12:45 PM.  Dress is: jeans on bottom, warm on top (preferably band polo under a jacket).  Because it's a half-day, students can bring $3 and stay after school for lunch or get lunch in the cafeteria.
Band o grams on Saturday
We are so grateful to the community for their contributions to our uniform fund-raiser.  the unifroms look great.  We will be spending November working on closing up the majority of “thank you’s” to the donors.  One of the thank-you’s is a “Band-o-Gram” to some of the sponsors.  We have 14 scheduled for Saturday  We have adults signed up to transport our students around Port Huron to handle the thank-you-grams.  This is a FULL UNIFORM performance.  Dress appropriately.
Students should be at PHN a little after 10 AM.  We will start by heading north and working our way south.  Students will be fed at around 1:30 PM.  More information on exact locations will be made available in the Google calendar.  We should finish up by about 6:30 back at PHN.

Euchre Tournament


PHN Band 2nd Annual Euchre Tournament

Join us for a great evening of fun and cards as the PHN Bands will be hosting their
2nd Euchre Tournament @ Faith Lutheran Church on November 2, 2018 with CASH prizes!

Registration will begin at 6:00 and play to begin at 6:30pm

Round Robin play. Limited seating; register early to save your spot!

$25 entry per person/ $40 per couple
We’ll have a Share the Wealth drawing and a few gift baskets to raffle off in addition to the

For further information you may email to or log onto the PHN Bands Facebook page.

Payments can also be mailed to:
Port Huron Northern Band
Euchre Tournament
PO Box 596036
Fort Gratiot MI 48059

Thursday, October 4, 2018

PHN Tailgate Party


The Eagen family has graciously donated the use of the parking lot of Medler Electric (across the street from the stadium) to host a PHN Tailgate Party for the game on Friday night. The tailgate party will be from 4:30 to 6:30 pm on Friday. Food and beverages will be provided by the Marcero and Eagen families.

 All Husky Band parents are invited Please text 1-810-455-8018 if you are coming and how many, so we can plan accordingly.


The Marcero and Eagen Families

Friday, September 28, 2018


Fall newsletter, travel permits, uniform donors, festival, field trips, Kroger rewards, DC trip info. Discussed in class, mailed USPS

FYI - Typo in Newsletter. DC Trip is Tentatively evening March 22-Morning March 27 (ignore other dates)

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Richmond Good Old Day Parade

This Sunday is the Richmond Good Old Day Parade! Please go to for all the details.
See the source image

Sunday, August 5, 2018

You may order yearbooks for LAST (2017/2018) school year. $30

Rehearsal Tuesday,August 7, 6 PM.  Many sections have sectionals 1 hour prior.  ASK YOUR STUDENT.

All schedules from now on are exclusively on the Google Calendar at Consider subscribing to that calendar and you will get updates.

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Latest email

You may order yearbooks for LAST school year. $30

Michigan Driving School is offering DRIVER’S ED Segment I starting NEXT WEEK
This is specifically for our marching band kids and avoids all of our events
Register here (586) 445-9736(586) 445-1188
Segment I is $264
August 6-23, On-Thursday, 9 AM - 11 AM in the PHN PAC

All schedules from now on are exclusively on the Google Calendar at
Consider subscribing to that calendar and you will get updates.

Friday, July 20, 2018

PHN Band Calendar

Here is the link to add the PHN Bands calendar to your local calendar app.  This is THE source for itineraries.  Click the link and our events will be added to your calendar

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Year Books

Year Books are on sale now for the 2017-2018 Band Year. They are $30.00 each.

You can order using check, Pay Pal or Zelle


Do you Zelle?

PHN Band Boosters are pleased to announce that we can take payments thru Zelle.

Zelle has partnered with many banks-Chase, Fifth-Third, Citizens Bank, Citi and many more. Go to to see if your bank is listed.

If not, go to the app store and download the Zelle app. Use a Visa or Mastercard debit card to get started.

We will be adding a credit card option at all events in the near future.
Still have questions? E-mail

Friday, July 13, 2018

Band Camp

Camp is one week away! Are you ready?  We need to know if you are going! 
All registration forms and money should be turned in by Friday, July 20that practice. If you have funds available in your student account and want it applied to Camp, please be sure you have noted it on the registration form or spoken to one of the Boosters.  We will not automatically do it, please let us know.   
We will have our regular Tuesday practice from 9am-12p.  On Thursday, there is a special SENIOR/FRESHMAN practice from 9am-12p.  On Friday, there is an all-day practice for EVERYONE from 9am-4pm.  A pizza lunch will be served on Friday.  
Sunday, July 22ndwe will have luggage check in. 
The camp waiver and travel permit will be available on the day of check in.  We also do not need your medical form until Sunday check in. If you are available to help out at check in, we are still in need of a few willing hands. Please go to CHARMSto sign up. 
Thank you so much for your assistance!  If you have any questions please feel free to email any of the Boosters

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Spring Concert

Good Evening

Spring Concert is next Monday and Tuesday (May 21 and May 22). We are in need of Volunteers to help greet people at the doors and ushers to help people find their seats.

There will be an "After Glow" on Tuesday May 22 after the concert. Donations of Hawaiian punch, 2 liter 7UP, brownies, cookies, and cupcakes are needed.

Please log into Charms to sign up. We appreciate all your help.

See you at the concert!

Friday, May 11, 2018

Spring Flower Fundraiser

PICK UP TIME: 2:30-4:00pm

Spring Banquet

 Spring Band Banquet
This is your official invitation to the Spring Band Banquet
Date: Monday June 1st
Time: 6pm
Location: PHN Cafe
Price: $6.00 per person or $30 for immediate family.

To obtain tickets online you may RSVP via Charms at the link below.

Please indicate Family last name and how many attending.
(please include your student)
Once you RSVP you are committing to the cost as follows.

  Tickets can be paid at the door with RSVP reservation only.  If you RSVP but choose to not attend you will still be responsible for the ticket cost as we will order food based on reservations.
This is a great end of year event for the students and everyone enjoys watching the Senior's as they receive their cords and last farewell with their band friends!!

If you have any questions email us at

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Bowling Fundraiser

 Image result for bowling

Tomorrow Night  Friday May 11,2018
Location is Zebra Bar/ Bowl-O-Drome
Check in 6:30pm
Bowling starts at 7:00pm 
Cost:$20.00 for 3 games and shoes.

Everyone is invited!!

Hope to see you there!

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Booster Meeting 5/8/2018

Good Evening Due to the National Honor Society Induction on Tuesday night we will be having our monthly meeting at 6:00pm instead of 7:00pm. The meeting will be held in the choir room because of construction. Flower pick up is this Friday May 11 starting at 2:30. Pick up will be behind the PAC center. Thank you to everyone that helped at MSBOA it was a huge success. Congratulations to our bands for their amazing performances. Kristine Stalker Booster Secretary

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

MSBOA Volunteers

Good evening,
As you all know we have msboa state band Festival coming up this Thursday, Friday and Saturday. We are still looking for volunteers for concessions and other opportunities. If you visit charms you can see what's available to sign up for and your help would be greatly appreciated. This is a huge three-day event for us. Thank you in advance for your support and we'll see you for State Band Festival!
Bernie Sheffer
Band Booster VP

Sunday, April 29, 2018


Welcome the new Booster Officers of 2018/2019

President- Heather Mehnert
Vice present- Bernie Sheffer
Treasurer- Cindy Isaac
Secretary- Kristine Stalker

Friday, April 6, 2018

New Venue for Scrapbook/Quilting event

The venue for this year's Event has changed....

Event will take place at St. Edwards Hall   8AM-8PM
  Includes: Breakfast, lunch, dinner, beverages, snacks, raffles, door prizes,
    vendors, lots of room to work and the satisfaction of getting many pages or quilt blocks finished!

LOCATION: St.Edwards Hall 6962 Lakeshore Rd  Lakeport

ON-SITE: Vendors will be available!

            Ginger Knott 810-650-7251   Martie Crawford 810-956-3859

             Thank you for your support! All proceeds benefit the PHN Band! 

Friday, March 2, 2018

MSBOA Band Festival

Here is the schedule for the day, as provided on the TWiBs  Saturday March 3,2018 -North Branch

In band room
Ready to go Perform Back at PHN
SB Late morning 9:00 AM 11:30 AM 2:30 PM
CB Early Afternoon 11:30 AM 2:00 PM 5:00 PM
WE Late afternoon 2:00 PM 4:45 PM 7:30 PM

Uniform: Concert Blacks
If you have uniform issues, arrive early

Parents are encouraged to come and watch these great performances!

Parents may take their own children home,but may only take somebody else’s student home if the parent of student needing ride writes directly on the permit the name of the person taking their child home and must include a cell phone number in case of a problem. 

  It is the responsibility of every student to check to see if their instrument was loaded on the trailer or not.  If necessary, students must bring remaining instruments onto the buses. Please remember to take a new band folder- available in the front of the band room.

Monday, February 26, 2018

Scrapbook/Quilting Event 2018

                                                                   April 14,2018

Event will take place at St. Mary's Parish 8AM-8PM
  Includes: Breakfast, lunch, dinner, beverages, snacks, raffles, door prizes,
    vendors, lots of room to work and the satisfaction of getting many pages or quilt blocks finished!

LOCATION: St. Mary’s Parish – 1505 Ballentine – Port Huron

ON-SITE: Vendors will be available!

            Ginger Knott 810-650-7251

             Thank you for your support! All proceeds benefit the PHN Band!