Monday, November 13, 2017

This Week

Booster Meeting Tuesday November 14 @7pm.
Everyone is welcomed to join.

**Our Poinsettia Sale continues through November 20th.Forms are available in band room. All forms and money will be turned into the box on Mr. Senkmajer's door inside of the band room. Please make sure order form has student name and a phone number area filled in.
Delivery will be on November 28th

**Butter Braid Fundraiser continues through November 17. All orders are due November 17 by end of school day. Forms are available in the band room. All forms and money will be turned into the box on Mr. Senkmajer's door inside of the band room. Please make sure order form has student name and a phone number area filled in.
Delivery date will be December 6, 2017.

Forms are available if anyone would like to donate to the Uniform 2018 Funds.

Pancake breakfast will be held at Applebee's on December 16- more information coming soon.

Euchre Fundraiser will be held January 26,2018 In need of volunteers please sign up in Charms.

Contact me with any questions
Thank You for your support!

Ginger Knott

Monday, November 6, 2017

What's Happening this week

This week a practice will be held on Thursday November 9 from 2:45-4:00 pm in preparation for the upcoming parade.
November 10 is our Fall Band Banquet taking place from 6-8 pm. Nacho/Taco bar will be served. Cost is $6 per person or $30 for immediate family members.
Girls- bring a dessert to share
Boys- bring two 2 liters of soda
Band student council will be holding a Band Lock In starting at 9 pm on November 10.
Carson's Day Fundraiser is ongoing through November 11.
Butter Braids Fundraiser going on through November 17.
Poinsettia Fundraiser going on through November 20.
Please contact me with any questions
Thank you for your ongoing support!

Friday, November 3, 2017

Scrip Information


Scrip Information....
 Please clink on link or copy and paste to your browser.

Please contact me with any questions

Ginger Knott
Booster Secretary

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Fall Concert, Fundraisers, Football


**Carson's Day Booklet fundraiser continues through November 11.

**Our Poinsettia Sale continues through November 20th.Forms are available in band class. All forms and money will be turned into the box on Mr. Senkmajer's door inside of the band room. Please make sure student name and a phone number area are filled in.
Delivery will be on November 28th

**Butter Braid Fundraiser running November 2-17. All orders are due November 17 by end of school day. Forms are going to be available during band class. All forms and money will be turned into the box on Mr. Senkmajer's door inside of the band room.Please make sure student name and a phone number area are filled in. 
Delivery date will be December 6, 2017.

Tomorrow November 2 is the All Bands concert- held in the gym- Marching Band members wear marching uniform. Concert Band students wear concert blacks.
Students are to report to PHN by 6pm. Concert starts 7pm.

Friday November 3 is the second football playoff game. Casey's Pizza after the game $8 includes pizza,drink,breadsticks and tip. 
Still in need of donations and helping hands. Please sign up in Charms.

Ginger Knott
Booster Secretary