Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Marching bandquet this Tuesday Jan 6th @ 6pm

Good evening all!
Everyone has been relaxing and spending time with family...how awesome is that?

It's time for the boosters to get our head in the game...time to get things moving forward again.  We have a family gathering of our own this Tuesday with our MARCHING BAND FAMILY!!! 

Band banquet day is this Tuesday January 6th at 6pm in the PHN Cafe.

You won't want to miss it.  Time for good food, good people and talented kids to celebrate a great marching season!
...MSBOA Festival
...Battle of the "Fans"
...most importantly great friendships built along the way.

Tickets for the meal were sold at the Christmas concert, but since the lobby was so jam-packed it was difficult for everyone to access the table, so on to plan B.

Charms is the "ticket" in this matter.  I have set up the RSVP option for everyone to reserve tickets online. Here is the link: https://www.charmsoffice.com/charms/parents.asp

  • Go to the calendar, date of Jan 6th
  • select the black RSVP button
  • Enter family last name & # of people attending, including your students
You may volunteer to help also at this link: https://www.charmsoffice.com/charms/volunteerR.asp?s=prthurnb&v=2253845

Please read below for details:

To obtain tickets online you may RSVP via Charms. Please indicate Family last name and how many attending. Once you RSVP you are committing to the cost as follows. $6.00 per person or $20 for immediate family. Cost can be paid at the door by RSVP reservation only. If you RSVP but choose to not attend you will still be responsible for the tickets/cost as we will order food based on reservations. Sorry but we cannot not offer sales at the door.

Join in the celebration of a wonderful season & See you Soon!

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Concert Help Needed!!

Tis the season...to hear beautiful music!
In preparation for our Christmas concert Tuesday, we need some help with set-up and tear-down.

Please go to the link to lend a hand.

In particular we need 4 parents to set up the jazz stage.  Preferably 2 people that have done the setup previously and 2 parents that have not done it, so they can learn how do it for the future concerts.  I'm thinking a someone with freshman and or sophomore students would be ideal.

We also need some commitment in advance for tear down. I would like to ask for helpers that do not have a poinsettia order.  This way the two "happenings" can be done independent of one another.  I'm sure with a group of our size it's possible t rally some new helpers for this effort!!  If you have not helped before it's really quite easy and a great way to meet some friendly people!!!

If you did a GWYL "Give where you live" level donation that earned reserved concert please contact me so I can meet with you before the concert to reserve your seats.  You may text me at 810-841-0328.

That should do it for now, but don't assume I'm done, you know how I like to keep everyone informed

Thanks for taking the time to volunteer for PHN Bands.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Parade pickup instructions

Here we go....the last parade of 2014!!

If you are picking up your student up following the parade, you will want to know this information:

The parade disbands on Wellington & Crawford streets and then marchers go to SKIT’s High school to have hot chocolate.  To keep our lists accurate parents are to accompany their student to checkout with Mr. Senkmajer face to face so he knows when and who is leaving.

I added a link below to help you find the end point of the parade.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Uniform collection on Saturday

Students not traveling in April to Washington DC are asked
to turn in their marching uniformfollowing the Sarnia Parade.

Upon return to PHN please go to the band room and check-in the following items:

  • marching uniform
  • hats
  • hatbox
  • hanger
Plan ahead and bring your hard plastic hanger to the school and leave in your cubby or instrument case before you board school buses, so that you can hang up the uniform when we return to PHN.

Missing hangers will be charged $5.00 to your student account.  The hanger not only properly holds your uniform but also identifies your uniform so you get proper credit for its safe return.

**Be sure you take your Birth Certificate out if the inner pocket before turning in your uniform.

Those going to DC are to keep their uniforms and watch your email for further instructions about cleaning and uniform care/travel guidelines for DC.

I bet you've been wondering?
When we are all getting together to celebrate an amazing MARCHING season.
Well wait no longer....drum roll please
Marching band banquet will be held on
Date: Tuesday January 6th, 2015
Time: 6pm
Location: PHN Cafe

Rather than trying to compete with all of the wonderful holiday concerts and
celebrations, we decided to save this one to Ring in the New Year!"
Mark your calendar for January 6th!!

Monday, December 1, 2014

TWFP 12-1-14


Broadcast this morning at 6:55 am, we Officially won the WDIV Battle of the Bands (Fans) !!   Sunday morning we all woke to the realization that were trailing Warren Mott Mauraders 10’s of thousands.  But our Bandos came through and voted like crazy. All morning as I voted the score was jumping by the hundreds every few minutes.  I heard one person was averaging 14 votes a minute!  That's how we did it people, you are amazing!!

Now on to everyday business, it time to turn in your Sarnia travel permits, I am submitting the travel list on Wednesday evening.  Canada and US border services require that we provide the list of students and their contact information, etc.

Sarnia Kinsmen Christmas Parade Of Lights

Annual parade of lights, marching bands, clowns & Santa! Over 60 floats, 8 marching bands with 100-150 marching members. Minimum of 500 lights. Route: Corner Christina & Exmouth St., south on Christina to Wellington Streets. The Sarnia Christina School’s Students will again be accepting canned goods and cash donations during the parade for The Inn of the Good Shepherd. ****SARNIA’S NIGHT TIME PARADE!****

We are working to find a date for the Marching banquet, watch your email and the booster site for more details.

If you are traveling to DC with the band watch your mailbox (snail mail) for information and please return your rooming card right away via mail.  Also please go to charms and login to your student account & chaperone accounts and update all your information.
  • Use student ID# for your password. 
  • For chaperones use:
    •  4 letters of your first and last name i.e.; smitjane, for Jane Smith. 
  • You may change your password to something else after your first login.
Thanks again to everyone that voted this weekend!!

It's official...WE DID IT! Battle of Bands title is ours for a year!