Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Email: 5-13-14

Congratulations to the members of the PHN Booster Officers who were voted in for the 2014-2015 school year, Chris Kercher-President, Shari Straffon-Vice-President, Christine Carwyn-Treasurer and Ronda Bingham-Secretary.  
Ronda Bingham is looking for some additional help (need about 24 parents to help) for the upcoming Spring Concert on Sunday and Monday.   The help will be needed before the concert to assist with seating, tickets and ushering.  Please give Ronda a call at 841-0328 (or text) if you are able to help with either concert.  You an also email phnbandboosters@gmail.com.
If you are interested in providing a dessert for the Afterglow on Monday evening directly following the concert, please shoot me an email. Desserts may be dropped off in the cafeteria prior to the concert.  The Afterglow is a tradition for the Northern Bands Program in honoring our Seniors and their families for all of their years at Northern.  This Afterglow is for ALL BAND STUDENTS AND THERE FAMILIES IF THEY WOULD LIKE TO COME AND SHARRE A SPECIAL TIME WITH THESE SPECIAL STUDENTS AND THEIR FAMILIES. 
The Band Banquet is Thursday, May 29th in the Cafeteria.  Have your student check with Mr. Senkmajer for additional information.  Tickets are $5.00 each, or $20.00 for families for 4-7.  

Mary Croteau, Secretary
PHN Band Boosters