Saturday, May 24, 2014

Memorial Day Parade

  • 9:30 AM Band Room opens
  • 10:00 AM Band Room closers
  • 10:15 AM Meet at Quay street down by yacht club
Wear black pants, black shoes, black socks,
Blue band polo Parade down to Pine Grove Park...

  • Play Marches of the Armed Forces 11:30 A.M.
  • Play at Pine Grove Park...
  • Salute to Armed Forces with PH 12:15pm Approximate release time.

Please eat breakfast and drink fluids before you arrive!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Email: 5-13-14

Congratulations to the members of the PHN Booster Officers who were voted in for the 2014-2015 school year, Chris Kercher-President, Shari Straffon-Vice-President, Christine Carwyn-Treasurer and Ronda Bingham-Secretary.  
Ronda Bingham is looking for some additional help (need about 24 parents to help) for the upcoming Spring Concert on Sunday and Monday.   The help will be needed before the concert to assist with seating, tickets and ushering.  Please give Ronda a call at 841-0328 (or text) if you are able to help with either concert.  You an also email
If you are interested in providing a dessert for the Afterglow on Monday evening directly following the concert, please shoot me an email. Desserts may be dropped off in the cafeteria prior to the concert.  The Afterglow is a tradition for the Northern Bands Program in honoring our Seniors and their families for all of their years at Northern.  This Afterglow is for ALL BAND STUDENTS AND THERE FAMILIES IF THEY WOULD LIKE TO COME AND SHARRE A SPECIAL TIME WITH THESE SPECIAL STUDENTS AND THEIR FAMILIES. 
The Band Banquet is Thursday, May 29th in the Cafeteria.  Have your student check with Mr. Senkmajer for additional information.  Tickets are $5.00 each, or $20.00 for families for 4-7.  

Mary Croteau, Secretary
PHN Band Boosters

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

It So Amazing!

Give where you live results last posted, more information to come.
One more huge thank you to all of our parents, friends and families who posted such creative and entertaining posts on social media promoting PHN Bands andGiveWhereYouLive.  You rally kept this in front of so many in these busy days and weeks we ate all having-your ongoing updates and comments of support throughout were invaluable and brought in so many donors for our band during this fundraiser.  In much appreciation of all of your efforts, thank you from the Port Huron  Northern Band Program and Booster Board.  They say it takes a village,   we say, it takes our extended PHN Band family.
Thank you all

Email: May 7th, 12:32am

It is the wee hours of the morning and I would like all to see this as you wake..or go of to slumber...We had unimaginable success with GiveWhereYouLive today.  Than you to the many,many families who took time today to remember our band organization.  The kindness and generosity towards our Port Huron Northern Band was overwhelming.  Of course this is a rough total, as the number may be higher once all checks and cash are finalized,  but our band raised $12,005 through the amazing giving of our families, their friends and family.  We won  4 prizes throughout the 24 hour race which included $1,000 for the Advia Credit Union Early Bird  prize for most donors by 9 am, we won another $1,000 for the Women's initiative with most women donors at 8-9 pm, we won an additional $1,000 for the  Eastern Michigan's Bank Procrastinators award of $1,000, and finally, the Granddaddy of them all, we had the highest number of overall donors in the 24 hour race and won the James C. Acheson Grand Prize of $1,000!!!   
    Thank you to all of the many donors, the students who make the trip downtown,family, friends teachers and administrators who helped us with this special opportunity.  Thank you to Randa Jundi-Samman for bringing such a great opportunity to the band and making this happen, Thank you to Bob Bryce for spending the entire day with all of our students as he drove them down for a pep band and donation stop at the SC4's Campus.  I do not want to miss anyone and will be adding the a long line of well-deserved thank you's in the next few days.   Many thanks for Mr. Mosset for supporting us in thes endeavor and having computers at the ready for teachers and all in the building.  We thank the administrators for allowing us to participate in such a great fundraiser.  Thank you finally, to Mr.Senkmajer for his endless opportunities he offers to our students every day.  Congratulations Port Huron Northern bands!!
Mary Croteau, Chris Kercher, Shari Straffon and Jeff Smith
PHN Band Boosters

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Give Where You Live!


Email: Sunday May 4th, 2014 

If our band  had a dollar for every time we have said, written, face-booked, texted, twitted, tweeted, or thought the catch slogan, Give Where You Live"......WOW!     Here is the up-to-the-minute scoop.  

Open this Link which outlines the fundraiser and donation procedure which will start promptly at 12:01 am. on Tuesday, May 6th, and will end exactly at 11:59 pm on Tuesday, May 6th.

Also included in this link, is the list of extra "prizes" that the Community Foundation is offering, such as:
  • The organization with the most donors from 12:01 until 9:00 am will be given $1,000 ! 
  • Momen donors from 8:00  am until 9:00 am will receive $1,000.00!!
  • The highest number of donors for the entire day, will receive $2,500.00.  
See the full list in the attachment.   I plan to  make my donation at 8:01 am so that it will count for 2 catorgories-the "women " and the "highest number from 12:01 until 9:00am" !!
  • The minimum donation is $10.00 , but if you would like to make a higher donation, you can consider splitting it between yourself and another family member or friend--that way, it would count as 2 DONORS!!  
There is yet another exciting incentive...for you.  

Mr. Senkmajer has included a list of prizes-kind of a thank-you from our band program for your donation.  Would you like to receive a year of free reserved tickets to our band concerts??  Would you like to receive one of the many great PHN Band items, such as the highly sought after PHN Yard Signs,  or those comfortable and very attractive bench cushions ( also good for you gardeners) .  Please take a look at all of the neat items you can qualify for.  

But of course, the best new of all is that our band will receive 100% of your donation, as well as an extra percentage from the local and national foundation sources!!  Please feel free to offer this opportunity to donate to our band to your friends, relatives and neighbors!!  

Watch your mailbox on Monday, as this information will be hitting all band family mailboxes on Monday!!. 

Remember, this is a once in a lifetime fundraising opportunity!  The Community Foundation is sponsoring this as it is the National Foundations 100th anniversary, and it is the Community Foundation of St. Clair County's 70th anniversary.  They have chosen to celebrate by helping organizations such as the Port Huron Northern Bands raise much needed money for supporting our great program.

Mary Croteau  & Randa Jundi-Samman
Secretary             Member at Large, 
                            Comm. Foundation of SCC 

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Spring Flowers!

Delivery will be this Wednesday May 7th to the PAC Scene shop. 
The Scene shop is at the back of the school. 
Please make arrangements to pick up all flowers before 6pm.
Flower Gallery below