Friday, October 26, 2018

November Events

Please check the following dates on the Google Calendar for upcoming events:

November 2 Possible Playoff Game.

November 4 Fall Concert

November 13 Booster Meeting

November 22 Thanksgiving Parade

November 23 PH Santa Parade

Watch for the deadlines for Washington DC it's coming soon!!

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

This week in Band

Trip to DC:
If you were unable to make our DC trip meeting a couple of weeks ago and your student did not bring home the trip packets handed out in class, here is the packet:

Here are the last three calendars handed out in class:
Monday 10/15:
Friday 10/12:
Monday 10/08:
Google Calendar:
Links to these documents can also be found on the PHN Bands Google Calendar
Go to  and scroll down to the calendar section.  I put the calendar handouts (as well as emails home) in the calendar.
The collection of TWiBs can usually also be found at a link on the front page of
If you would like to subscribe to our > Official< calendar, download and open your official Google Calendar app on your device.  This is the link to our calendar:
Our calendar is named : Official
Thank you for a very nice performing season.  The football team is in the playoffs and we are *pretty* sure they will have a home game on October 26.  Please plan “as if”
Band Apparel:
We have some field show T-shirts still available in limited sizes, $10 and $15
We are working on putting in an order for embroidered headbands and warm hats
Thanksgiving Day:
If you are interested in riding a motor coach down to the T-Day parade or in ordering grandstand seats, please let us know by November 1.  The registration links and information (as we get it) is available in the Google Calendar. (also here

Marching Band:
We will have practices on October 23 (6 – 8 PM) and October 25 (2:45 – 4:15 PM).  We will need to keep practicing for the show to stay fresh and also begin our T-Day parade practices.  Please remind your kids to dress warmly.

Practices beginning October 30 will shift to 2:45 – 4:15 on Tuesday AND Thursday

Winter Drum Line and Winter Guard
Both of these units are starting their help sessions next week.  All students in all sections are welcome give these units a try.
These are both competive units on a competitive circuit that require a commitment of time and effort.  In addition, there is a participation fee that covers instruction and event registration.  We will ask for some assistance with a couple of additional small fund raisers.  Students are welcome to participate in the fund raisers or have families make a small contribution to defray the cost of the 
Elementary Band-o-grams Friday
We are taking a group of students to Keewahdin and Edison Elementaries on Friday between 1:00 and 3:30 PM.  If any parents are able to assist in transporting students, please be at PHN by 12:45 PM.  Dress is: jeans on bottom, warm on top (preferably band polo under a jacket).  Because it's a half-day, students can bring $3 and stay after school for lunch or get lunch in the cafeteria.
Band o grams on Saturday
We are so grateful to the community for their contributions to our uniform fund-raiser.  the unifroms look great.  We will be spending November working on closing up the majority of “thank you’s” to the donors.  One of the thank-you’s is a “Band-o-Gram” to some of the sponsors.  We have 14 scheduled for Saturday  We have adults signed up to transport our students around Port Huron to handle the thank-you-grams.  This is a FULL UNIFORM performance.  Dress appropriately.
Students should be at PHN a little after 10 AM.  We will start by heading north and working our way south.  Students will be fed at around 1:30 PM.  More information on exact locations will be made available in the Google calendar.  We should finish up by about 6:30 back at PHN.

Euchre Tournament


PHN Band 2nd Annual Euchre Tournament

Join us for a great evening of fun and cards as the PHN Bands will be hosting their
2nd Euchre Tournament @ Faith Lutheran Church on November 2, 2018 with CASH prizes!

Registration will begin at 6:00 and play to begin at 6:30pm

Round Robin play. Limited seating; register early to save your spot!

$25 entry per person/ $40 per couple
We’ll have a Share the Wealth drawing and a few gift baskets to raffle off in addition to the

For further information you may email to or log onto the PHN Bands Facebook page.

Payments can also be mailed to:
Port Huron Northern Band
Euchre Tournament
PO Box 596036
Fort Gratiot MI 48059

Thursday, October 4, 2018

PHN Tailgate Party


The Eagen family has graciously donated the use of the parking lot of Medler Electric (across the street from the stadium) to host a PHN Tailgate Party for the game on Friday night. The tailgate party will be from 4:30 to 6:30 pm on Friday. Food and beverages will be provided by the Marcero and Eagen families.

 All Husky Band parents are invited Please text 1-810-455-8018 if you are coming and how many, so we can plan accordingly.


The Marcero and Eagen Families