Sunday, August 5, 2018

You may order yearbooks for LAST (2017/2018) school year. $30

Rehearsal Tuesday,August 7, 6 PM.  Many sections have sectionals 1 hour prior.  ASK YOUR STUDENT.

All schedules from now on are exclusively on the Google Calendar at Consider subscribing to that calendar and you will get updates.

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Latest email

You may order yearbooks for LAST school year. $30

Michigan Driving School is offering DRIVER’S ED Segment I starting NEXT WEEK
This is specifically for our marching band kids and avoids all of our events
Register here (586) 445-9736(586) 445-1188
Segment I is $264
August 6-23, On-Thursday, 9 AM - 11 AM in the PHN PAC

All schedules from now on are exclusively on the Google Calendar at
Consider subscribing to that calendar and you will get updates.