Thursday, July 28, 2016

Garage Sale Fundraiser Saturday August 6th, 2016


Port Huron Northern Bands
Giant Yard Sale!
PHN parking lot
August 6th – 7am to 4pm
Rent a table for only $25 
Double car space
Help us raise funds for the band program
To register and pay for tables:


To reserve a spot there are 2 steps
1. go this link
2. Pay at the Paypal link to your right

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Band Camp Cabin Assignments

Students will choose their cabin Tuesday, July 19th for their week at band camp. Students should wait outside (literally out of the building - outside) Mrs. Hartson's room #312 at their assigned time.

Seniors and juniors will begin sign up at 8:30. Sophomores and Freshmen will sign up after practice at 12:10.  Please be aware that some students may need to let their section leaders know that they will be a few minutes late for sectionals after the regular practice due to cabin sign up.

There are two options for students that will be absent July 19th. If a student is not able to attend sign up, a student may have another sign the absent student up. However, the absent student must be signed up during the absent student's time frame. For example, if I am a sophomore and going to miss sign ups and my friend is a junior, my friend that's the junior will sign me up during the sophomore time frame.The second option for cabin sign up is during luggage drop off on July 24th. 

Most often there are no changes, but occasionally there may be a minor tweak to cabin assignments. If so, you will be notified if a change is made.

Thanks, Mrs. Haynes!