Saturday, June 11, 2016

Band Yard Sale Saturday August 6th


Port Huron Northern Bands
Giant Yard Sale!
PHN parking lot
August 6th – 7am to 4pm
Rent a table for only $25 
Double car space
Help us raise funds for the band program
To register and pay for tables:


To reserve a spot there are 2 steps
1. go this link 
2. Pay at the Paypal link to your right

Friday, June 3, 2016

Dove Fundraiser orders due Monday June 6th

Good Evening, 

I just wanted to give everyone the Fundraising information to be able to take advantage of ordering some great Dove Chocolate. In return it will help add money to your band account. 
There are 2 links below. One is for the items and the other is an order form. 

I am extending the due date until Monday June 6th, so that no one misses out. The forms and money can be placed in the band box on Mr. Senkmajer's door in band room. 

Have a great weekend!!
Thank you,

Bernadette Sheffer
Band Booster V.P.