Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Volunteers needed for scrapbooking event!

Calling all helping hands!
Time to rally the troops!
What else can I say???

April 16th we will be hosting our annual scrapbooking event.  We need significant help throughout the day serving food, donating food, set-up (friday) and clean-up.

Please take a moment to go to one or two of the links below and find the sign-up spot that best suits your skills/interest! 

This event provides significant support for our program so it's really important to
fill every slot to have a successful event.
Remember to use phnbands for the school code

Set-up Friday:  Adults & Student assistance needed Only one spot left!


Helping hand: Adults & Student assistance needed

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Information regarding May 3rd Bond vote

"It is not about band.
It is about what is good for our community..."

We are sharing some very important information about the upcoming Bond vote.
Our students and our community stand
to benefit from this investment.

There is a wealth of information to be found:

Please take the time to listen to Jamie Caine's video to hear him clearly outline the components of the bond.


Do you support the bond?
Go to this link:

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Upcoming info for parents

It's time to bring in some new faces
for the Booster Board for next year.

Jennifer Fraley has offered up to head the search to
recruit new/interested parents.

If you are interested in information or to have your name slated for the Booster board next year please contact Jennifer at 
or you can email her at

The term of office for each elected officer shall be a one year period commencing
on June 1 and expiring on May 31 of the following year.  

In order to be a member-in-good-standing of the Port Huron Northern Band Boosters, a person must attend at least three meetings during the school year; one June through November, one December through April, and one at a time of the person’s choosing.  


Sunday, March 6, 2016

Scrapbook Fundraiser...spread the word!


Saturday, April 16, 2016
9 am to 9 pm
$30 per person

Includes: Breakfast, lunch, dinner, beverages, snacks, raffles, door prizes, vendors, lots of room to work and the satisfaction of getting many pages or quilt blocks finished!

St. Mary’s Parish, 1505 Ballentine, Port Huron, MI 48060
ON-SITE:  Vendors will be available!
Pati  810-300-3140/ Ginger 810-650-7251/ Andrea 810-858-1817  or Email us at:

Download registration form here:

All proceeds benefit the PHN Band program!

Thank you for your support!