Saturday, December 31, 2016



Dear Travelers,
It is time to do a little more work on our trip.  Please read through this page carefully so I have all the information I need to help make this trip the best it can be.
Rooming Cards:  
Students:  you should put the names of the 4 people you would like in your room on your card it is very helpful if you can put the names in alphabetical order.  Your request will be granted IF all names on your card are also on the cards of the other people you want to room with.
If you do not have 4 people on your card, I will need to add other people to your room, or I may need to separate your room to put you into another incomplete room.
Family Fans:  Unless you have requested a single, you will have 2 people in your room.  If you do not know who to choose, you can check with Jennifer for names of other people looking for a roommate.
Families traveling together will be put in the same room.

Dining Events:  
Because our group is so large we need be in two venues for our events.  We will see the Hoop De Doo dinner show on Sunday.  Half of our group will go to the 4:00 show and the other half will go to the 8:30 show.
Our second event is a dessert party on Wednesday at EPCOT beginning at 8:30.  Both groups will be at the same time.  We will watch Illuminations from our venue.
New Event:  We were able to add a new event.  This will be a breakfast on Monday morning at Studios.  After breakfast we will be taken to The Rock and Roller Coaster or Tower of Terror to ride before the park opens.  Because we have extra people riding each bus I am able to offer this event to bus riders at no charge.  If you do not have a transportation package you can add this event for $15.00.  You must put a check mark on the back of your trip card to be registered for the event.  Please note that the cost written on the front of your card does not include this event and the total will be adjusted if you sign up for the breakfast.   If do not choose this event you will receive a $10.00 refund in cash while in Florida.

Make sure you have done all of the following:
  1. All travelers should return a card.
  2. Be sure the roommates you have written on your card have the exact same names on their card.
  3. Check your trip details and total
  4. Check your t-shirt size
  5. If you want to add the breakfast be sure to check the box on the back of the card.



We will have 2 meeting before the trip.  One will be in late January/early February so travelers can set up a “My Disney Experience” account and make Fast Pass Reservations.  The second meeting will be mandatory and will be the day before we leave.  At this meeting you students will drop off their luggage, chaperones and bus captains will pick up packets for the first day of the trip, and everyone will pick up their t-shirts.

Dining Reservations:

Family Fans, if you are interested in eating at a full service restaurant while in Disney, you may want to go on line and make your reservations now.  They tend to fill up quickly.  You can do this by calling 407-WDisney or going to the


Saturday:   6:30 arrive at Northern, leave before 7:30.  We will stop for lunch and dinner.  (Students will receive money for meals.)

Sunday: Animal Kingdom.  Hoop De Doo Review dinner show.  (Half at 4:00 Half at 8:30)

Monday: Studios.  Breakfast.  Half group will receive fast pass for Rock-n- Rollercoaster and half for Tower of Terror.

Tuesday: Group picture at hotel.  Magic Kingdom.  March in parade

Wednesday: EPCOT.  Music workshop 2:00.  Dessert Party and Illuminations 8:30

Thursday: Load busses.  Universal Studios & Islands of Adventure

Friday: Travel day.  We will stop for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.  (Students will receive money for meals.)

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Butter Braids Fundraiser

Butter Braid Fundraiser will run October 18-November 4.
Your student should of brought home a order form yesterday after practice. If they did not receive one the extra forms are available in the band room in the tower.  ALL money is due at time of ordering. Place order forms and all money in  envelope clearly marked with student's name. Place in slot on Mr Senkmajer's office door no later than November 4. 

Delivery will be November 14 @ 1pm  We will need a few volunteers on that day.
Watch for sign up in Charms as it gets closer to delivery date.

Any questions please contact:
 Amy Tinsley ~
Ginger Knott ~

Monday, October 3, 2016

Charms Office....

Please check that your students Charms account is up to date with email addresses and phone numbers. You will be missing out on a lot of important information if we can not contact you.

If you have questions please contact me..

Disney ...

Last call to turn in your Disney registration ( page 5 of packet) forms is October 7th. If you have not made your deposit please do so ASAP.
Second installment payment due November 1, 2016

Band Banquet....

October 24,2016  6-8PM

Boys are to bring (2) Two-liters 
Girls are to bring desserts

$6.00 per person
$25 for a family (immediate household)

Nacho/ Taco bar being served.

This month our Band Booster Meeting will be held on Tuesday October 4th at 7 pm in the media center. Due to Festival on October 11.  Please join us for informative information on upcoming events.

Few upcoming events to be aware of...

* Football game October 7th followed by Casey's Pizza Party ( $8 covers food,drink and tip)
*Marching Band -  Monday rehearsal October 10th  530-8pm
* October 11th Band Festival

Hope to see you there!
Thank you for your support.

Go Huskies!!!

Ginger Knott

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Alma October 1,2016

Information on Alma trip Saturday October 1,2016

*Full Uniform
*Bring money for concessions.
*We will be leaving at 11 am from PHN
*Performance will be about 4pm at Alma
*We will be returning to PHN 8pm.

* All parents that will be driving students if when arriving to PHN please park in the circle in front of the PAC

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Garage Sale Fundraiser Saturday August 6th, 2016


Port Huron Northern Bands
Giant Yard Sale!
PHN parking lot
August 6th – 7am to 4pm
Rent a table for only $25 
Double car space
Help us raise funds for the band program
To register and pay for tables:


To reserve a spot there are 2 steps
1. go this link
2. Pay at the Paypal link to your right

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Band Camp Cabin Assignments

Students will choose their cabin Tuesday, July 19th for their week at band camp. Students should wait outside (literally out of the building - outside) Mrs. Hartson's room #312 at their assigned time.

Seniors and juniors will begin sign up at 8:30. Sophomores and Freshmen will sign up after practice at 12:10.  Please be aware that some students may need to let their section leaders know that they will be a few minutes late for sectionals after the regular practice due to cabin sign up.

There are two options for students that will be absent July 19th. If a student is not able to attend sign up, a student may have another sign the absent student up. However, the absent student must be signed up during the absent student's time frame. For example, if I am a sophomore and going to miss sign ups and my friend is a junior, my friend that's the junior will sign me up during the sophomore time frame.The second option for cabin sign up is during luggage drop off on July 24th. 

Most often there are no changes, but occasionally there may be a minor tweak to cabin assignments. If so, you will be notified if a change is made.

Thanks, Mrs. Haynes!

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Band Yard Sale Saturday August 6th


Port Huron Northern Bands
Giant Yard Sale!
PHN parking lot
August 6th – 7am to 4pm
Rent a table for only $25 
Double car space
Help us raise funds for the band program
To register and pay for tables:


To reserve a spot there are 2 steps
1. go this link 
2. Pay at the Paypal link to your right

Friday, June 3, 2016

Dove Fundraiser orders due Monday June 6th

Good Evening, 

I just wanted to give everyone the Fundraising information to be able to take advantage of ordering some great Dove Chocolate. In return it will help add money to your band account. 
There are 2 links below. One is for the items and the other is an order form. 

I am extending the due date until Monday June 6th, so that no one misses out. The forms and money can be placed in the band box on Mr. Senkmajer's door in band room. 

Have a great weekend!!
Thank you,

Bernadette Sheffer
Band Booster V.P.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

New Booster officers

So… this is my last official post as your Band Booster Secretary.

I’m going into my 8th year with this organization and I'd like to tell you…that it has been my privilege to be a booster officer, even if it was only for the last 2 years.  You have some of the most wonderful, respectful and fun kids around.  I am always proud to say “It’s OK I’m with the band” because they represent this organization so well.  It’s great to connect with so many enthusiatic band parents. Your eagerness to lend a hand makes the boosters work lighter and your appreciation for what we do at events, keeps us motivated to do more!

I’m not going too far though. I still have a student in the program (Noehl) and she is thrilled to be going into her senior year, she loves & lives drumline. You will still see me at all the events, I just won’t be organizing them but I will be supporting them in a big way (come join me)!

So here is the plan...if you haven’t heard yet.  Tomorrow the new Booster Officers step into their new roles officially.

Our new Booster Officers are:
Christine Carwyn - President, 810-357-5121
Bernadette Sheffer - Vice President, 810-434-3237
Jennifer Fraley - Treasurer, 810-310-1417
Ginger Knott - Secretary, 810-650-7251

All members of the new boards have played a key role in supporting our bands for quite a long time. They will serve our kids and Mr. Senkmajer magnificently!  Feel free to use the above contact info at your convenience.  Most of the emails come from Charms and reach back to the You can always hit reply and know that you will reach Ginger who is stepping into my role as Booster Secretary.

My experience with PHN Bands has done great things for our family and especially my daughters, McKale (2013) and Noehl (2017).

With appreciation,
Ronda Bingham

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Last Chance to get your Band yearbook!

This is the current list of yearbook orders. If you see a mistake please let me know, via facebook message to Amy Bryce.

If you would still like to order, I opened the online ordering until June 3rd! Please do not send orders into school, this will help eliminate ordering mistakes. Thanks!

Alexandra Allers
Elysse Armstrong

Tyler Berberian
Jordan Berg
Emily Bundy

Alexandra Clark
Megan Cronce

Elizabeth Dewey
Nicholas Dewey
Elizabeth Doyle
Ryan Duda

Ian Graziadei

Hannah Halifax

James King
Ellie Kolar

Jacob Lamb
Owen Louks

Alyssa Matthews
Kyle Matthews
Jenna McKeever
Charlotte Mehnert

Emma Purdy

Tori Richards

Courtney Schindler

Madison Taylor
Emily Tetreau
Brendan Tinsley
Connor Tinsley

Danielle Wilkins

Noah Williamson

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Band banquet reminder

Ticket sales end at midnight tonight or
400 people whichever come first!!

Select this link below to reserve tickets
for the spring band banquet tomorrow at
in the PHN Cafe

Immediate family only please.
Prices are $6.00 per person
$25.00 for 5 or more people in your immediate family.

Doors will open at 5:30 as we are starting a little earlier to assist some families that have 6th graders, so that may attend the 
FGMS band concert.

Student also please bring the following:
Freshman &  Sophomore girls bring regular 7up

Junior girls bring Hawaiian Punch

Freshman & SophomoreJunior boys bring dessert.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Spring Band Banquet Monday May 23rd @ 5:30pm

Select this link to reserve tickets for the banquet this Monday

Immediate family only please.
Prices are $6.00 per person
$25.00 for 5 or more people in your immediate family.

Doors will open at 5:30 as we are starting a little earlier to assist some families that have 6th graders, so that may attend the 
FGMS band concert.

Student also please bring the following:
Freshman &  Sophomore girls bring regular 7up
Junior girls bring Hawaiian Punch
Freshman & Sophomore & Junior boys bring dessert.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Music ahead! Concerts this Sunday & Monday

We will be in need of the usual...volunteers to assist with the concerts this weekend.
  • Ticket sellers, Greeters at theater doors, and a few desserts for the Graduating Senior after glow.

Each person that volunteers will be receive a reserved seat for the concert in appreciation of their assistance.

Please go the your favorite link below to lend a hand.

Concert volunteer Sunday 5-15-16

Concert volunteer Monday 5-16-16

Following Monday concert there will be a Graduating Senior Afterglow we will be in need of a few dessert donations.

Spring Banquet

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Spring flowers will be arriving this Thursday as planned.
Pick-up time will be between 12pm & 5pm.
If you are available to help unload that would be appreciated.
Volunteers can sign-up at this link.

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Worse than panic

We are running two events today...we are all busy, we all have many commitments, please get up, get dressed & come help!
Don't sign-up, just show up.

As of this very moment I only have 7 people running the entire day at MSBOA States...we started one hour ago and 200 musicians just arrived.

We still need a few people at the drive but the critical issue is at the school, we really need adults, we love your kids but they have already done their job.  Please show your support today by helping at school or at Northgate Ford...hurry, run here now!!!

Friday, April 29, 2016

Saturday is our most critical day...dig deep - 2 events happening!

If you feel the time slots don't work for you...
message me and I will one custom fit.

MSBOA...yep, still in panic mode

Many volunteer spots to fill

Concessions: 7:00 to 11:00am - 3 people
Concessions: 11:00 to 4:00pm - 7 people
Equipment unloading: 7:00 to 11:00am - 2 person
Equipment unloading: 11:00 to 4:00pm - 2 people
Greeter: 11:00 to 4:00pm - 2 people
Attendant: 7:00 to 11:00pm - 2 people
Attendant: 11:00 to 4:00pm - 2 people

Drive 4 Ur School
Parent rider 9:00 to12:30pm - 2 people