Sunday, February 22, 2015

Travel Raffle official announcement

 If you have ever wanted to help out PHN Band this is the way to do it.

Purchase your ticket online
using this buy now button at the right!

 By donating $100 you will have the opportunity to win one of 36 prizes over 12 months:

~12 Trips~
~12 $50 Visa gift cards~
~12 oil changes~

Even if you win a prize your name
will go back in for the next drawing.

This raffle offers the band a wonderful way to raise funds for the purchase of new uniforms.
 We plan to make this an annual fundraiser.

Link to the Raffle flyer that I encourage you to to print and share with MANY people.

This raffle is licensed through the State of Michigan License #C26968

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Time to get Peppy!

PHN vs. PHHS Hockey at McMorran Pavillon

It's never boring with these kids around!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

DC Travelers 2-18-15

Hello DC Travelers,
This is a quick email directed ONLY at students and travelers to our Washington DC Spring Trip.  Shortly I will send an email from Charms of your financial trip statement.  Since this email comes directly from Charms and does not allow for a personalized subject line/message, I wanted to let you know a few details before you get the auto-generated statement.

  • Ø  Student ID/Log-In:  Right next to your traveler's name will be their Student ID or Log-In name to Charms.  You can use this to access your Charms account for each traveler.  Charms does not identify "Families", rather individual travelers, so you will have to log-in under each individual traveler's account.
  • Ø  Check-FA/SA:  This will indicate any funds that were used from your Student's Fundraiser Account.  If you would like to use your student's account towards the current balance, send me an email and I will make the transfer.  We do not currently have these funds reported in Charms, as we slowly (meticulously) access the financial features Charms has to offer.
  • Ø  1/1/15-TR:  This is any credit that is applied to your account (hotel rooms with more than two occupants, non-bus traveler, etc), which is Charms' version of debit/credit accounting.  The notes section should identify the reason for the transfer.  It will also show up as $-20.00 for the "upcharge" for Chaperones, as we do not qualify for the student discounts at some events.
  • Ø  Are you on Facebook?  Watch/Like "PHN Bands Washington DC 2015" for updates from Becky as we get closer.
[if !supportLists]

In order to pay all of the vendors, I would like to request if possible that final payment of the balance due be made by Friday, February 27th.  I know several posted dates showed the final payment as March 15th, and I can work with that.  But if at all possible, consider getting the account balances cleared up sooner. 
Looking forward to the Cherry Blossoms!
Christine Carwyn
PHN Bands Treasurer