Thursday, July 31, 2014

Day 3 Band Camp Buzzzzz...

  • Off to a chilly start weather wise but day quickly warmed up and simply beautiful day.
  • Clean cabins were encouraged at breakfast and as the final results rolled in, Falcon cabin won free ice cream.
  • Great field work today, kids enjoyed water and watermelon breaks.
  • Taco dinner was a hit, and a little extra free time was enjoyed by all.
  • Band Olympics was a blast, kids played well into the darkness. Thanks to Mr. Bryce & Mr. Mayer for getting us a 200 ft. extension cord to run the flood lights.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Day 2 Band Camp Buzzzzz...

Soggy bit of a day...

  • Kids worked hard in between rain showers
  • Boosters purchased 2 student point and shoot cameras for kids to use throughout the year.  Each section is getting the chance to take pictures of the fellow students, lots of fun shots already.  
  • Movie night tonight and Mr. Senkmajer served up some ice cream in the camp sweet shop.
  • Drumline received their new Drum stands.  Some very happy drummers today!

Day 1 Band Camp Buzzzzz...

Marching madness:
  • Everyone settled in nicely
  • Fed & watered well
  • Worked on first music set
  • Everyone in cabins on time and happily sleeping by 2nd check at midnight!
Band camp off to a great start.  Thanks to the 60 families that updated charms!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

CHARMS...what is all the buzz??

Charms Office is...
Superior and Effective Parent Communication
No other software exists today that can provide the level of parent communication that Charms provides. News bulletins are available the minute parents login. Every parent or student in the band, can access the calendar, print handouts, check on finances, pay fixed payments and trips online, maintain practice logs, record auditions and tests, and maintain their own personal information and email addresses etc. Parents can see what inventory is checked out to their child, as well as what uniforms are still outstanding, what music needs to be checked in and whether that permission slip, health form, or handbook acknowledgement actually made it back to the office.

Your password is your student's ID #, 4xxxxxxx, if needed at any point, our school code is PHNBand.

The ID# can be found below your student's name on their report card.

Ideally we would like every parent & student to login into their account and completely fill out all student information, as well as adding adults to their profile.  This will become our single point of contact for all future emails.

This program is not completely live as we are in then process of entering each students account information.  Please give us till August to complete the financial processing.

One other cool thing about charms is that they offer phone apps that make access to information super easy.

 ios7  &  android

Are you ready to check it out?  Here is the link CHARMS Office

Monday, July 21, 2014

Monday bus ride...

We only need (2) more parents to travel
on the bus with students to
Convenant Hill camp ground
and return on the bus. 
The District requires that chaperones
ride with students.

Of course we are still looking for help for Sunday

Thanks to those that signed up to help Sunday!  If you listed your cell#, please also add your cell carrier so we can utilize the texting component of the software.

We still need a few more people.

Please the link below to join in the fun!

To those with Alumni, I apologize for including you in these emails, we are working to get our contact list updated.  If you send me your email address,  I can "opt you out" of the day to day info.  Just let me know by emailing me at

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Camp registration volunteers needed ASAP!

1 week from today your band student will be nestled in bed dreaming of band camp.  They will have already turned in their luggage, paperwork, snacks, meds etc. 
How does all happen so smoothly, you ask?
Volunteers, amazing volunteers like you, that is how it happens!!!  It should be easy with so many families to lend a hand.  Did you hear that we have confirmed 200+ students for that is awesome!
Lending your hand is easy with this super new software the Band Boosters have secured for the program.  Just go to this link called CHARMS and enter your name where you can help.
  • The school code is PHNBand
  • Go to public calendar
  • Select the date of July 27th and select the yellow hand and you will see the sign-up list
You will be using one of the fantastic new features of Charms.  It is going to be a real asset to the program

If you wonder what each job entails, just email me at phnbandboosters+volunteers and I will be happy to explain.

Many hands make light work!

Sunday, July 13, 2014

It's time for shoe fittings!!!!

Yay, aren't you excited, one more step towards that moment your eyes water as you watch your student take the field in full uniform. 

Tuesday, we will be fitting new marchers and anyone who needs a different size for their marching shoes. If your marcher will not be there, don't panic, their shoes just won't be available at band camp. 

Other Fittings will be on the next 2 Tuesdays, then shoes will be available before the first game. Please make every effort to be at practice on Tuesday July 15. Making one order saves on shipping costs for the band. 

Thank you, Kim Brier

Band camp is only 15 days away!!

I'm sure that everyone would like a their student to have a place to sleep at camp, so the time as come to get an accurate head-count of students attending camp. 

Many students have paid camp in full but many more have only paid part of the total cost of camp.

If you think you have a balance due for camp please contact our band treasurer Christine Carwyn with your intentions of completing your payment.  Christine's email is
  • A response is required no later than this Friday July 18th, 2014.
  • If we do not hear from you, it will be assumed that your student/s is not attending Marching band camp. and therefore not marching in the fall.
​No question is too small, please email back to with any general questions​ or email to with financial questions.
Have a great week band families!

Monday, July 7, 2014

CAMP dietary needs

This information is related to Band camp and might have been lost in the previous email so please humor me upon receiving this second email today.

The health of our band members are important. Does your student and any special dietary needs?
  • Diabetic?
  • Vegetarian?
  • Lactose intolerant?
  • Gluten free?
  • Allergies?
Please reply to by Friday July 11th, with your concerns. We want to provide our amazing chef at camp ample time to prepare for any special needs of our campers.

Parade this Wednesday JULY 9th !!!

Many details for your perusal, Important stuff to share!!!
We are in need of donations  for the parade:
  • 8 bags of ice
  • 250 bottles of water
  • 3-4 trash bags for pick-up after parade.
  • Help with cleanup at end
Delivery of the ice & water can be made to the endpoint of the parade at the YMCA parking lot, by 5:30 so coolers can be packed.

We are in need of parents to walk with the band:
  • We are asking for anyone who walks the parade to wear khaki pants or shorts and a navy blue shirt.
  • The parade starts at Glenwood at 6:30pm.  Please arrive at the same time as your student 5:15pm next to Radio First Glenwood & Military Streets.
  • We have squirt bottles.
  • Christine Carywn will be your point person for instructions when you arrive.
If you can help out or donate please reply to this email or call 841-0328.  Please provide your cell#/home# so I can contact you personally to confirm.  We need to know our numbers and so can plan accordingly.

Students Marching:  This info was already provided to all students at practice.
  • Wear BLACK pants (not leggings or yoga or workout pants)
  • black shoes (no stripes - black out any coloring)
  • Navy band polo (new band members, we’ll supply one to borrow)
    • 4:30 PM Band Room opens
    • 4:59 PM Band Room closes
    • 5:15 PM Arrive by the Radio station (drink lots of water beforehand)
    • 6:30 PM Parade begins
    • 7:30 PM Pickup down by YMCA, Parents should pick-up students after parade at top of hill (Military & Chestnut Street)
Any information emailed is also posted to our Booster blog at this link

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Orchestra performs Sunday July 6th @ 6pm, PHN PAC

​Please come listen to a beautiful sounds of our guests
visiting from ​St. Stephens Orchestra.

The group arrived in the U.S. on June 29 in Chicago.  They have been to Dayton, OH; Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp (north of Muskegon) and now to Port Huron.  They will go to Niagara Falls from here, on to Bowie and then New York City before returning home.

The orchestra members are from Augsburg, Germany,
which is on the west bank of the Rhine, in northwest Germany.

​Tomorrow Sunday July 6th at ​6:00 p.m. 

​in the PHN Performing Arts Center

German Guests have settled in nicely!

Looks like Everyone is having a blast. Seeing lots of pics on facebook!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Wondering whats up with our German Guests?

They are from Augsburg, Germany.  
Arrival Friday July 4th, Host families pick-up musicians at PHN 1:30pm
Also, some of you have asked about their itinerary.  
The group arrived in the U.S. on June 29 in Chicago.
They have been to Dayton, OH; 
Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp (north of Muskegon) and now to Port Huron.
They will go to Niagara Falls from here, on to Bowie
and then New York City before returning home.

Jennifer and Erick
Blog with current schedule

Still need your HELP!

We are still plugging away to find host families.  Did you see the article in the Times Herald?  

Next on the list is Food & drivers.  Some of the families are housing more people than they have seats in their cars.

I'm sure many would have liked to host but could not.  It is possible to help in other ways at this point.  We need food, donated, baked, cooked, dropped off or even shopping done.  If you can help with this effort please text me or email me.
Ronda Bingham 810-841-7612.

Continue to spread the word we still need to house at least 20-25 musicians.