Thursday, October 17, 2019

Skyward Note

So grateful and blessed:
Thank you to the dozens of parents that so selflessly volunteer their time and efforts
helping on games nights, fitting uniforms, riding buses, running/assisting with fundraisers…
We absolutely cannot do all of this without you!

A BIG “thank-you” to the Band Booster Officers who unselfishly volunteer dozens and dozens of hours serving *all* of our kids. 
Thank you to our instructors: Matt Nabozny, Jennifer Milett, Jasmine Bryce, Camiel King
Thank you to Ronda Bingham for her AWESOME work adapting color guard uniforms and making the Magic Show “pop”
Thank you, Brian Ruthenberg for building the magic boxes for the show
Successful Festival / Competition Season for Marching Band
FIRST DIVISION RATINGS at Festival on October 15 in Marine City
High Score for the day at Alma Competition including highest scores for:
Music Performance, Music Effect, Visual Effect, and Percussion and an “Award of Excellence” in Music
Football Playoffs (+)
If the team has a home game, so do we.
This schedule rolls out a little at a time.
When I know, you’ll know.
For now, plan on having home games November 1, 8
If we lose, playoffs are done, if we win, we will not know for certain
each week if we have a home game until the Sunday night prior
Spartan Spectacular
If you registered for the trip, please pay for it ASAP!
Travel Permit, Payment slip ->
I have a couple extra tickets…
Movie Night 
Friday, October 18; 7 PM ~ 11 PM
Register to attend here ->
$5 - Movies are “Nightmare before Christmas” and “A Quiet Place”
Held in the band room.  Students may bring lawn chairs, papasans, etc.
If students bring additional drinks, they must be in factory-sealed containers
We will feed students in-between movies
Fall concert
Fall concert for everybody is November 7 in the Gym
MB members will wear MB uniform
Non-MB members will wear concert-blacks
More info to follow
When in concert blacks, all young men need to own a tuxedo shirt and bow tie
Senior Band Night / Band Night
October 25, 2019
Senior Parents meet at SW Gate at 6:25 PM
Alphabetical order by last name
Parents will be escorted out by their senior at about 6:35
Senior registration form
Upcoming MB Schedule
October 19 - Nothing
October 22 - Rehearsal 6 - 7:30 PM
October 24 - Rehearsal 2:45 - 4:45 PM
October 25 - Home Game - Senior Band Night
October 27 - Drum lIne / Front ensemble @ MSU Day of Percussion ($10)
November 1 - Nearly 100% a home playoff game  (+)
November 5 - Rehearsal 6 - 7:30 PM
November 7 - Fall Concert
November 8 - Likely a home playoff game if we win Nov. 1 (+)
November 12 - Rehearsal 6 - 7:30 PM (TBA)
November 14 - Rehearsal 2:45 - 4:15 PM
November 15 - Possible Playoff Game if we win November 8 (+)
November 16 - Band-o-grams 11AM - 6 PM
November 19 - Rehearsal 6 - 7:30 PM  (TBA)
November 21 - Rehearsal 2:45 - 4:15 PM (Parade)
November 26 - Rehearsal 2:45 - 4:15 PM (Parade)
November 29 - PH Santa Parade (evening)
December 7 - Sarnia Santa Parade (evening)
December 12 - MB Banquet!
ALL Band students
October 20 - Spartan Spectacular (NRQ) I have a couple extra tickets
November 7 - Fall Concert
November 12 - Band Booster Meeting
December 16 - Holiday Concert
Fund Raisers
Most fund-raisers benefit both the student’s individual travel account as well as the Booster General funds that helps support the purchase of music, equipment, and uniforms
* Chubby-Chico Deadline October 17
* Citrus Sale Deadline November 4 - Packets in room
* Please consider SCRIP - Once set-up, easy to use
      Here is a link to instructions ->
      Or you can contact Jennifer Senkmajer at for guidance
      (Using SCRIP, we paid next to nothing for band camp for two kids, and paid for most of the Washington DC trip for 2 kids)
Planning ahead
Band Camp 2020 July 26-31
Spring 2021 Is our every-four-year trip to Disney
Honors Bands currently “In play”
* All-state Auditions October 27 (needed to have already registered)
* CMU Honors Band; October 25 Audition Deadline (Nov. 9/10 commitment)
Olivet College Honors Band; October 30 Registration Deadline (November 8 Commitment)
Solo and Ensemble Deadline Approaching (Nov 22)
Here is a link to the informational packet handed out in class

We are looking for student volunteers to perform Band-o-Grams all over town on November 16
Held every year on the day of the UofM/MSU game, each performance lasts about 10 minutes
and is often a surprise for many of the audience members
We are also looking for drivers that can transport 4 or more students from venue to venue
This is a full-uniform performance
We are finishing up thanking our uniforms donors this year, but may have a few extra slots ($75)
Consider this
Looking for additional challenges for you and/or your student?
Looking for something you can *do* with your student musician?
Consider SC4 Band on Wednesday nights!
$50 for the academic year, 6:30 PM on Wednesday nights.  We resume October 23.
Need an instrument?  Let us know
We have a Facebook Home ->
Next performance Friday, December 13

Want to see (and maybe purchase) some great Fall MB pictures?
David Dell –>
Here are many of the handouts made available in class since the start of school
TWiB - Sept 3