Monday, October 19, 2015

Email 10-19-15

Several topics to cover today!
Please take a minute to vote for our "COOL" band @ MLive...You need to answer a few questions and ideally upload a great pic that depicts why our band is "COOL"!  If you don't have a pic of your own, email me and I will send you a great pic!

Select the link below to show your support!


 BIG GAME this week!!
PHN Marching band will perform our half-time show at Pregame
Don't miss the final show


Pit Parents:
It takes between 6-10 people to set-up the sidelines at football games.  A few have done every single show, (not naming names).  We would like to invite some fresh faces for this Friday, so those that those parents can watch at least one game from the stands. Go to this link to lend a hand!

We are also in need of more food items for the game use this link to sign-up for fruit,

If you didn't already know....rehearsals are only 90 minutes this week
  • Tuesday 6-730
  • Thursday 245-415

and last...Amy Bryce (PHN Bands official photographer) intends to take section pictures after Thursday's practice. Have your section coordinate alike as they did last year for the pic!!

Last: DoP or otherwise known as Day of Percussion!
This is a great event that is allows our drumline to interact with the phenomenal talent of the MSU Drumline and several other high schools in Michigan.  Go here for event details.

For our Drumline, student cost is $10 to cover lunch and fuel, and bring money for McDonalds dinner following the event.   This is a very full day and all students report having a blast!! Mark your calendar for October 25th.  Travel permit forthcoming, watch

Saturday, October 10, 2015

ETA from Alma tonight!

MarchingMichigan at Alma College

I would like to connect parents that are attending the event at Alma College today.
I have a remind group started, here are the instructions.
Send a text as shown below.

If you are not able to attend but would like to be included feel free to join and be "in the loop".
This is super easy...give it a try!